Chapter 20

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Violet POV

“So we do have a plan!” Huey exclaimed excitedly once we finished explaining the plan to him.

“I don’t know why you would ever doubt us.” I said and offered him a small smile, testing to see if we were good.

“I wasn’t really doubting you, I just didn’t know if we had a plan or not. Or if I’d be included in that plan.” He mumbled the last bit.

“Why wouldn’t we include you?” Wendy asked out loud, reading my mind.

“Well I mean, you wouldn’t want Bill to know our plans, would you?” Huey said with a hint of sadness.

My heart sank as I heard Huey questioning himself. Huey never doubted himself, he always did things with confidence and knew exactly what he was doing at that moment. I’d never seen him more lost in my life.

“Huey I know this all kinda sucks right now, but just know that you’ll always have a place here, you’ll always be included, no matter what. We’ve all been through something here, we all know how it feels.” Wendy smiled at him, taking me by surprise and apparently Huey too.

“...thanks Wendy.” Huey replied.

Suddenly Dewey walked up to us with a pained expression on his face.
“I hate to break this up with the bad news, but we’ve got an hour left until we get there.” Dewey announced in a remorseful tone.

“Well then we better prepare ourselves.” Louie said, appearing behind Dewey with Dipper. I had also noticed that Soos had come into the conversation without me really noticing.

“I love you guys!” Webby exclaimed, running into the circle and forcing us all into a group hug.

“Webby, the plane!” Dewey reminded her.

“Autopilot.” She mumbled as we all broke away from the hug.

“You guys are worse than Launchpad.” Louie scoffed, from where he was sitting, (He was a part of the group hug just to be clear, but immediately after broke away and sat down on a crate) but then had a sad look on his face after.
“Guys, I don’t know what will happen at the base, but I just want you guys to know that you all mean so much to me.”

“Same here.” I replied softly, as I wrapped my arms around Louie’s waist and nuzzled into his neck. He wrapped his arms around me, forcing me onto his lap which made me laugh softly.

“Even though I just met most of you dudes, I love you bros too.” Soos chimed in.

“Alright, alright, fine, I’ll miss you ducks too.” Wendy chuckled.

“I mean, I guess I love you guys.” Gos said with fake annoyance in her voice.

“Hey!” Dewey chided when he heard her tone and tackled her to the ground in a very aggressive hug.

“I’m just kidding you knucklehead!” Gos shouted. “Get off me!” The two continued laughing on their own while everyone else continued saying how much they cared and whatnot.

As I looked up and saw Louie, who gave me a soft smile, I knew that even though the circumstances kinda sucked, I wouldn’t have changed a thing.

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