Chapter 8

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Webby POV

My head was throbbing. I woke up and looked around. It kinda looked like I was in a hospital bed, but creepier. I was tied down with restraints, much to my annoyance.

The lights were dimmed so much and the only thing I could see in front of me was a table with a ton of needles on it. There was only one door in the room, even that looked creepy. The room had no windows, which made me feel like I was suffocating.

Just then the door burst open and Black Heron rushed in.

“Hello darling.” She crooned.

“Where’s Huey?” I demanded immediately.

“Not even going to say hi to your mother April?"

I thought that part was all a nightmare.

“Wait, so you’re actually my mom?” I asked, suddenly feeling really dizzy.
“Ugh, yes, technically I made you. But honestly, I’d prefer that you didn’t follow me around and call me “mama” every 5 seconds.” Heron said with an eye roll every now and then.

“Why are you telling me all this?” I wondered aloud, just to keep her talking.

“Well, because I’m going to give you and your friend some drug that turns you into not-mindless mindless clones!” She explained with a horrible grin.


“Oh? That’s all you have to say?”

“Well I mean, you’re Black Heron, I’d expect something much brighter and better than that. But I guess not, oh well, I always knew Steelbeak was the better villain.” I faked disappointment.

“Steelbeak is a fool! He’s the whole reason we’re in this mess! He was supposed to grab the green one!” Heron shouted.

Louie? What would she want with Louie?

“Ugh, anyways, I’ll go get the drug because it appears that someone messed it up again.” Heron sighed then turned and left the room, shutting the door with a click.

What. The. Duck.

Huey POV

I woke up to a room, identical to the room Webby described. (She did a great job at describing it, don’t tell her I said that though or I’ll never hear the end of it.) Anyways, the door opened revealing the biggest idiot to man-kind, Steelbeak.

“Okay, if I’m about to die right now, I’m going to be very disappointed in myself.” I said aloud, knowing this would press his buttons immediately.

“Death would be too kind for a little brat like you.” Steelbeak spat.

“Oh really? Then what is it that you have planned for me?” I teased him.

“Don’t be a smartass. There’s this drug here that I’m going to inject into you to make you into a non-mindless mindless slave!” Steelbeak exclaimed, smiling triumphantly.

He slowly grabbed one of the needles on the table and injected some purple liquid into it.

Honestly, at this point I don’t think I was breathing properly because of how terrified I was. “Bye now.” He smirked then quickly jabbed the needle into my arm.

I passed out almost instantly.

Dewey POV

So it was not a great idea to run into those doors… the first one I opened had a weird yellow Dorito chip-looking guy. He was quite stylish I have to admit though, he had a top hat.

Anyways, he kept saying he’d get his revenge on Scrooge because of some time rift thing with a guy who’s name was Pines. Wonder what that’s about.

Anyways, he blasted Gos with something after going on his rant, and uh, kinda ran away.

The door was still open, but I didn’t care. I bolted toward Gos, who seemed unconscious on the floor.

“Gos.” I said and shook her gently. “Gos!” I shouted, tears starting to form in my eyes. “Please wake up, please wake up.” I sobbed. I’d just lost Webby, I couldn’t lose Gos too.

Gos coughed and spit out blood.
“Duck.” I cursed to myself as I saw the blood and proceeded to shout louder as more came up. “Duck! Gos I’m so sorry.” I cried and hugged her. “Please don’t ever leave me again.”

“Dew chill out. I was probably knocked out for like 5 seconds.” Gosalyn mumbled, slowly sitting up. “Promise me you’ll stop being such an idiot please?”

I hugged her fiercely. “Promise.” I said, the last tears in my eyes spilling out.

That was when more people came out of the door

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