Chapter 22

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Dewey POV

My gut twisted into knots with every move Bill made. I made eye contact with Gos and I think she too realized that this might be the end.

I clung onto my brothers and Dipper as if they were my lifeline. I silently hoped that if that mouse god really did exist, he would come save us.

“I want to go home.” Huey whimpered, tears streaming down his face.

“SILENCE!” Bill roared and looked over at us before he raised his fingers as if to snap again. We all braced ourselves for another wave of pain.

“WAIT!” Scrooge bellowed, probably saving our lives. “What is it that you want?”

Bill snickered again. “Well, since you’re so willing to help me, I need to find a key.” Bill snapped and we all winced. When he snapped a door with a giant yellow eye appeared. “I found the door, but I need a key. That’s what I need you guys for.” Bill explained to the adults.

“We’ll find that key!” Mom shouted at the same time as Ford piped up.

“Why on earth do you need to go in there?”

“Well Sixer, simply because I have a really good friend that lives in this door here, and I haven’t seen this dear friend in a long time. Turns out I also have a cousin that lives here, he may be the last bit of family that I have left.” Bill said a bit remorsefully.

“We’ll find your key Bill, just please let them go.” Mom begged.

“Ah! That’s one more thing! In order to be sure that you guys complete your end of the bargain, I will be taking one of these meatstacks with me.” Everyone's mouths dangled open in shock.

“No, no, no.” Huey whispered, eyes in fear.

“Huey, we won’t let it be you.” Dipper promised, seeming to understand that Huey had already been through enough.

“What?! No!” Mom blurted.

“Fine then.” Bill snapped and we all were so taken off guard that we screamed in agony.

“Stop! Stop! Stop! Yes, okay sure fine! We agree!” Mom yelled back in panic.

Bill snapped and it all stopped. “That’s what I thought.”

“You guys can’t seriously be considering this!” Mabel screamed.

“We have no other choice lass.” Scrooge said sorrowfully.

“Which meatstack do I get?” Bill giggled. All the adults seemed to be thinking the same thing: there’s no possible way they could choose that.

Scrooge gulped. “Let the children decide.”

I looked at my companions in the bubble and knew that Huey was in no condition to go.

“I’ll go.” Louie volunteered immediately.

“No!” Me, Huey, Dipper and Violet all shouted at once.

“The deal is sealed!” Bill declared and aggressively shook Scrooge’s hand. I gripped onto Louie tighter and locked eyes with him. Bill snapped and suddenly, Louie was gone.

“NO!” A chorus of voices screamed.

“Good luck! See you later suckers!” And just as suddenly as he had come, Bill Cipher was gone.

My gut churned and suddenly I knew that we were so screwed.

(Yeah, this is the end of book 1! Dw tho, the next book should be out by tomorrow probably! It'll be called "For Louie" for obvious reasons. Hope you enjoyed reading!)

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