Chapter 10

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Webby POV

I heard a really loud crash from a room nearby. There was a scream. I heard footsteps thundering towards my room. What the duck was going on?

The door to my room practically flew open, then I saw Huey standing there. But it definitely wasn’t the normal Huey. He had a crazed look in his eyes and he seemed completely out of control of himself.

The Duke.

That’s what this was. He’d recently been having trouble keeping him in. Usually anytime he got super worked up he’d have a panic attack which would then lead to this. I’d heard a lot about it from Dewey and Louie, but I’d never actually seen Huey like this.

“We need to go. Now.” Huey said, in his normal voice though. “C’mon Webs, I know I look out of control, but I promise I’ve gotten better at handling this.” Huey said a bit sadly.

Flashbacks came crashing down on me. Dewey bleeding from a horrible gash all along his stomach. Louie reassuring me, saying it was fine when it very obviously wasn’t. Me trying to stop the blood. Huey kept away from us for weeks because he blamed himself so badly. Wasn’t long before things started appearing on his arms...

“Webby, we have to go.” Huey pleaded. “Just take my hand.” His eyes were shining and brimming with tears.

There was then a shout from the hallway.

“Webby c’mon.” Huey whimpered.

“Fine.” I finally replied, taking his hand. “You better know what you’re doing.”

“Of course I do.” He replied with a small grin.

Huey POV

I’d never been this in control of The Duke before. There must’ve been something in that drug that Steelbeak gave me.

I grabbed Webby and dashed down the hallway, eggheads shooting at us the whole time, but never making their mark. I never stopped running until we reached what seemed to be an exit. I rushed through it and right outside the door was…

“Granny?” Webby asked at the same time as I said,

“Mrs. Beakley?”

She looked at us back and forth before finally speaking. “What are you two children doing here?”

“I could ask you the same question.” I said in a clipped tone.

“I’m so sorry to do this.” Beakley said before everything went black again.

Dewey POV

The little kid- Dipper sorry- flipped through the pages in his book until he seemed to find what he was looking for.

“Here it is.” Dipper mumbled. “Okay, you’re going to have to stay super still, this might hurt a bit.”

Gosalyn immediately grabbed my arm for support, pulling me closer to her. “Ready when you are.” Gos told him.

Dipper started chanting something under his breath while he hovered his hand over Gosalyn’s arm. Gos started breathing heavily.

“You got this kid.” Soos said to Gosalyn.

Just as he said that Gosalyn screamed out in pain.

“C’mon Gos, just a bit longer.” I told her as I saw tears slowly falling down her face. She screamed again. “Gos it’s gonna be okay.” I told her, before tears started forming in my eyes.

“Dipper hurry!” Wendy yelled at him sharply. “We’re losing her!”

Dipper started chanting faster, I had no idea what he was doing, I just had trust that this kid knew what he was doing.

“Done!” Dipper exclaimed, and suddenly Gos fell back, I caught her.

“You okay?” I asked her and gently placed her head in my lap so she was looking at me upside-down.

“Yeah. Yeah, I’m good.” Gos panted. Then after a couple seconds spoke again. “Are you… crying?”

“Shut up. You know that when you cry I cry.” I replied jokingly.

“For the record, I was not crying.” Gos said while wiping the tears off her face.

“Dude you literally have tears on your face!” I laughed.

“Yeah so do you dummy!” Gosalyn chuckled as she reached up and wiped the tears off my cheeks.

Dipper cleared his throat.

“Oh yeah, thanks dude.” Gos said, turning a bit pink.

“No problem, but we should probably hurry, that evil dorito shouldn’t be out for too long otherwise he could cause a lot of trouble.” Dipper explained.

“Good thing we’re good at doing that too.” I replied with a small grin and one glance at Gos and I knew she was smiling too.

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