Chapter 11

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Louie POV

There was blood everywhere. My arm was throbbing. As soon as the blade hit me Violet cursed in some foreign language then pulled out a blade and threw it at someone behind me.

I heard a thud right after then Violet rushed towards me.

“Duck. Louie, are you okay?” Violet asked while getting her supplies ready.

“Yeah, as good as one can be who just got impaled.” I chuckled lightly, causing my arm to hurt more. “Laughing hurts.”

“Okay, you’re gonna be okay.” Violet assured me, but seemed to be assuring herself more than me. “Just lay down and hold still.” Violet instructed me as she gently held my arm. I held my breath.

“What are you gonna do?” I asked nervously. I kinda hated surgeries or even going to the doctor in general.

“I just have to stitch it up, you’ll be fine though.” Vi said as she sterilized a needle. (Where did she get that from?)

“It’s not going to hurt… right?” I said, sounding like a little kid.

“Lou, I promise you that it will not hurt.” Vi promised. “Unless you’re a wimp.” She joked then shoved me playfully.

“Hey! I am not a wimp! Remember you’re hanging out with Louie not Huey.” I snorted.

“Good, so then you should be just fine.” Vi smiled before grabbing her needle and preparing to stitch me up.

“Alright, let’s get this over with.” I sighed and braced myself.

She put the needle in and I felt a weird tickling sensation. It hurt a bit, but it tickled more than anything. I felt her stitching my skin back together and in around 5 minutes she finally dropped the needle and looked up at me.

“Done!” She exclaimed proudly.

“Thanks Vi, I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.” I said and gave her a soft smile.

“Yeah, no problem.” Vi said with a slight blush forming on her cheeks.

I cleared my throat. “Uh, we should probably go find Uncle Scrooge now, there’s definitely more eggheads where that came from.”

“Yeah, I guess we probably should.”

Gosalyn POV

Dewey and I were leading the group back up to the main floor, where we assumed this Dorito chip was.

Although, Dew and I were a bit confused as to why they were taking this so seriously and how a geometric shape could possibly be so terrifying.

“Hold on, could someone care to explain how you guys are scared of a triangle?” Dewey asked, seeming very confused and turned towards
the group. Soos was holding Mabel, as she was still passed out.

Dipper took a deep breath in before he spoke. “Bill Cipher is not one to be messed with, here’s why…”

So after Dipper and his crew explained the whole situation, me and Dewey were ready to smite this evil triangle.

“That’s awful! We have to stop him before he does anything worse!” I exclaimed out of pure rage.

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