Chapter 18

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Gosalyn POV

I was just sitting around at this point because I had no idea what to do. I offered to help with Huey, but Dewey instantly took the chance to knock out his brother.

Then there was Dipper over there doing some kind of voodoo thing on Louie, which I definitely did not want to witness after knowing what it felt like for me.

Webby was flying the plane, alone, so I figured I could go talk to her, but I didn’t really know how her and Dewey were right now, so I stayed away from her. I’d already talked to the Gravity Falls gang, but it seemed like they wanted to be left alone right now.

Eventually after I’d  been sitting there on the floor for an hour or so on my own, Dewey plopped down on the ground next to me.

“Hey Dew.” I greeted.


“So, Louie and Violet huh?” I smirked.

“I know right! They’re just off making out in corners of the plane now! Like what the duck man!” Dewey exclaimed.

I laughed out loud. “I love how overreact-y you’re getting over this.”

“That is my baby brother right there!” Dewey huffed while I laughed again.

“Dude, chill out.” I replied, still chuckling.

“It just makes me feel lonely…” Dewey mumbled under his breath.

That's the thing about Dewey, one second he’ll be ranting about some nonsense that he claims to hate, then the next he’ll be crying about that same nonsense.

“Dew, I know it’s difficult to watch as life seems to change all around you, but trust me, you’re not alone on any of this. You have a whole group of people who would willingly do anything for you.” I reassured him. I was surprised when I felt Dewey wrap his arms around me.

“Thanks Gos.” He smiled and then stood up and left.

Violet POV

Dipper pulled out a book that seemed larger than his whole body. It had a golden 6 fingered hand on the cover and seemed as old as time itself. He flipped through the pages for a bit then seemed to find what he was looking for.

The book practically hummed with dark magic. I was intrigued.

“Okay, are you guys ready?” He asked, looking at both of us. I nodded my head and gripped Louie’s hand tighter. “Just a warning, it may or may not work, because this spell doesn’t work on babies.” Dipper grinned.

“Hey!” Louie squawked, literally, both in pain and laughter.

“I’m just messing with you, anyways, I guess I’ll get started.” Dipper sighed before starting to chant in some foreign language. I immediately recognized the language.

“Latin.” I mumbled under my breath. Dipper gave me a smile, letting me know that I was right.

Then Louie yelped in pain, which made me impulsively squeeze his hand tighter. “You’ve got this Lou.” I whispered.

Wendy came over at that time and put a hand on my shoulder, I gave her a slight grin and continued my focus on Louie, who was shuddering in pain.

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