Chapter 16

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Dewey POV

I have this absolutely insane idea, but I think I’m right.

I think.

I bolted to the kitchen and didn’t even hesitate to open the door. When I did, there was the Gravity Falls gang all gathered up around Violet, who was showing them something on a piece of paper. Louie was of course right next to her, and Gosalyn immediately turned and her face lit up when she saw me.

“Dewey!” Gos cheered.

“Hey. I just need Louie for a sec.” I said quickly. My mind was racing and I needed to have my questions answered before I lost it.

“What’s up Dewey?” Louie asked, standing up from the table while the others got quiet and watched us.

“When and how did you get your powers?” I practically demanded.

“Um, during the whole Ramrod thing, I got shocked by it.” He replied, not even questioning me.

“What dimension do you think it was on when it hit you?” I asked.

“I have no idea Dewey. Aren’t you guys supposed to be on the plane?” He said, looking towards me and the others, who had come in from behind me. Gosalyn seemed to be thinking about something hard.

“Wait, I might know what dimension, or at least the symbol for it.” Gosalyn remarked, still deep in thought. “I might need to draw it though.” Violet flipped over her piece of paper and handed her the pencil.

“Go ahead.” Violet smiled.

“Thanks.” Gos replied, hardly listening though. We all gathered around the table again, watching as Gosalyn drew something that looked like a circle with a ton of symbols on it.

“The zodiacs!” Dipper exclaimed once he saw the finished picture.

“What?” All the ducks in the room asked and whipped their heads towards him, while the Gravity Falls gang looked shocked.

“Louie, that’s why our powers are so similar, they came from the same place, possibly even Bill himself.” Dipper explained, looking at only Louie.

“Okayyyyy, so what does that have to do with us?” Huey asked, obviously annoyed.

I sighed before explaining myself. “The same night after the Ramrod, possibly even seconds after it, when Huey attacked me, he gave me a giant gash on my stomach. When he did, I felt something inside me change, like something was now growing there. I’ve felt it pulsing sometimes-”

Violet gasped. “Huey somehow through The Duke was in some form of Bill, maybe even being possessed by Bill and gave Dewey the powers as well. Now, since Bill had possessed or done something to Huey, he left a bit of magic inside him too, which is why he’s been in The Duke more recently. Which means-”

“We’ve all been marked by Bill Cipher.” Louie finished her sentence.

Louie POV

“That’s insane! What would Bill want with a couple of ducks that aren’t even a part of his dimension?!” Dipper shouted, completely in denial.

I swear his voice only made the throbbing in my back worse.

“Scrooge.” Me, Huey, and Dewey all said at the same time.

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