Chapter 19

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Huey POV

A few hours?! Did we even have a plan?! How come nobody else seemed panicked when he said that?! I could feel myself freaking out when he said that and knew that a panic attack was about to happen. That was when Wendy put a hand on my shoulder.

“Hey, you okay?” She whispered.

That was all it took for me to calm down again. Nobody has ever asked me that question. People are always too wrapped up in their own problems to notice me or when I’m about to break down. Nobody ever cares.

“Yeah, I’m great.” I whispered back with a small smile on my face. “Just one question though, do we have a plan?”

The grin that formed on Violet, Mabel, and Wendy’s faces was all I needed to know that we were going to be okay.

Dewey POV

“Dude and then the way her face lit up!” I exclaimed, talking to Webby while flying.

“I know right! I mean, I still kinda feel like they’re an interesting couple, but I’m glad he makes her so happy.” Webby replied.

“Yeah, she seems to be more open.” I stated.

“Totally, she would never allow her emotions to display on her face like that.” Webby agreed.

“Yeah.” I smiled. After a few seconds of silence that smile faded away as I began to get anxious. “Are we really doing this? I mean, we’ve been in tough spots before sure, but this could actually be the end of us all.”

“Honestly, usually I would make up some stupid thing and say we’re going to be okay, but I just don’t even believe that anymore.” Webby replied sadly. “This could be it. This right here, could be our last few hours together.” Webby stated and looked around the plane.

I turned the plane back on autopilot and looked around the plane. Louie and Dipper were cheering as they seemed to figure something out. Huey seemed comfortable with himself for once as he was discussing something on a piece of paper with the Gravity Falls gang and Violet. Soos and Gosalyn seemed to be having a heated conversation over Darkwing Duck.

“Well then we better make it count.” I said.

Louie POV

“Oh my god! How did you do that?” I yelled excitedly as Dipper used his power with control.

“It’s simple, just harness your power and think of something that you want to happen. Something that needs to happen.” Dipper explained with a shrug.

“Um, okay…” I mumbled, thinking of something I wanted to do. Suddenly I thought of something and squeezed my eyes shut.

“Remember, just focus on breathing. And please don’t use them for anything bad.” Dipper reminded me.

“Please, I’m not Dewey.” I chuckled, still with my eyes closed. Suddenly I felt something in my hoodie pocket. I opened my eyes and reached in, slowly pulling a knife out.

Dipper and I shared a grin as I did.
“Okay, now we need to work on making them faster, that took you 1 minute and 30 seconds, which we definitely won’t have time like that on a battlefield with Bill.” As soon as he said that, the blade had already been lifted into the air and flung itself into the plane wall.

“I think I’ve got this.” I grinned.

“Fire.” Dipper commanded.

I summoned a ball of fire in my hands.


My hands started to get cold and in a matter of seconds, the fireball was replaced with a chunk of ice.

“That gross black stuff that we discovered.”

I shuddered before summoning a massive black orb in my hands. Just having it out for a few seconds made me feel wrong. I put it away almost as soon as I summoned it.

“Louie Duck, I believe you are ready for battle.” Dipper told me.

Gosalyn POV

I was just chilling with my man Soos when Dewey showed up.

“Dewey what are you doing? You’re supposed to be flying the plane!” I reprimanded him.

“Could I just talk to you for a sec?” He asked. I turned to Soos who just nodded his head and left.

“What’s up? You’re kinda scaring me.” I chuckled nervously, bracing myself for some more bad news.

“Look, I don’t really know what’s going to happen next or if we’ll even still be alive in a few hours-”

“Whoa, Dew chill out, we’re going to be okay, you know that right?” I asked him. “I mean, we always make it out alive right?”

“Yeah but-”

“No. Repeat after me. We are going to still be alive in a few hours.” I said sternly, looking him in the eyes.

“We are going to still be alive in a few hours.” He mumbled.

“Whatever it is you want to tell me now, you can tell me then.” I replied with a small smile. “We’re going to be fine.”

“Right.” Dewey hesitantly agreed. I sighed after hearing his hesitation, knowing that he still didn’t believe me.

“Look Dew, I know I’m probably not going to convince you any other way, but I promise you that I’ll still be here in 5 hours. I’ve never backed out of a promise between us before, have I?” I said, holding my hand out to him so we could shake on it.

“You don’t usually shake on promises.” He pointed out quietly. I rolled my eyes.

“Just shake it before I change my mind.” I scoffed as he took my hand and we shook on it.

“Thanks Gos.” Dewey smiled.

I smiled back.

(I posted 8 chapters today so I think I'm done lol)

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