Chapter 14

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Webby POV

Thankfully, we got home, as soon as we did I told Huey I needed to shower. I could still feel all the FOWL all over me. As I headed towards the bathroom with all my shower supplies Dewey walked out with a towel around his waist and the feathers on top of his head all wet.

“Oh… hey Webs.” He chuckled nervously. “So I kinda sorta used all the shampoo on this luxurious hair of mine, but I think there's another bottle under the sink.”

“Oh thanks.” I replied awkwardly.

“Yup.” He said and started walking away.

“Hey, wait. What happened to us Dew?” I asked before he left.

“Um, I dunno Webs.” Dewey replied and looked down at his feet.

“I mean seriously, just because we’re family doesn’t mean anything needs to change, if anything this should bring us closer!” I exclaimed excitedly.

“Webby, it’s a lot more complicated than that.” Dewey sighed.

“So then explain it to me.” I told him, slightly frustrated.

“I-I can’t.” He sighed in defeat.

“Why not?”

“Because-” He was cut off by a very loud thud coming from the triplets bedroom. We both looked at each other before bolting down the hallway and straight into his bedroom. We saw Huey in The Duke and he seemed to be throwing things at Louie and Vi.

“Hey! Huey, chill out!” Dewey yelled at him.

“It’s useless! We kinda pissed him off like very, very, badly!” Violet shouted. I glanced over at Louie, who for some reason wasn’t wearing a shirt, to be fair Dewey was only wearing a towel…

"Louie, now would be a good time to do that thing, y’know!” Violet shouted at him.

Louie seemed to hesitate for a second before closing his eyes. Then, Huey seemed to go stiff for a moment before he fell to the ground with his eyes closed.

“He’ll be up in about 20 minutes.” Louie sighed before adding. “Dewey get a shirt on jeez.”

“Says you.” Dewey scoffed as he pulled a blue shirt over his head. Louie turned bright red when Dewey pointed out the fact that he wasn’t wearing a shirt. Wonder what that’s about.

“What happened?” I asked, gesturing towards Huey.

“Uh-” Louie stuttered and turned bright red. (Again!) Then he whispered something in Vi’s ear, hesitantly she nodded. “Um, so me and Vi kinda, sorta,” Louie kept failing to say what he wanted to say, I noticed that he and Vi were holding hands.
“Louie what did you do to him?!" I asked, panicked and slowly started walking towards Huey, who was shivering.

"Nothing!" Louie yelped, and earned an elbow to the ribs from Vi.

"Louie, why is your shirt off?" Dewey sighed, as if he had to deal with this kind of situation everyday.

Louie sighed and turned around, dropping Vi’s hand and revealing a huge gash in his back. “Honestly, nothing happened, Huey just jumped to conclusions, she was just looking at the wound.” He explained, but pulled his hoodie back over his head.

“So looking at a wound requires kissing the injured one then?” Huey piped up, it seemed like he was awake the whole time.

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