Chapter 9

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Louie POV

After Violet agreed to help me for some weird reason, we were back in my shared bedroom, looking for clues.

“Someone or something took them, but why? What would their motive be?” Violet mumbled to herself.

“What do you mean by motive?” I asked, genuinely confused, not teasing her for once.

Vi had her head turned at an angle and was slightly squinting at me. She seemed to be assessing if I was teasing her or not, then seemed to decide that it was safe to tell me.

“Well, what I mean is that every “bad guy” has a motive, a reason to do whatever it is they are doing to the “good guy”, y’know?” Violet explained.

“Yeah, I guess. Thanks Vi.” I said and gave her a small, friendly smile.

“Anytime Lou.” She smiled back.

I smiled softly at the hummingbird for a few more seconds before remembering the task at hand. I cleared my throat. “Um, yeah, right, so I think that this could probably just be the Beagle Boys just messing with us.”

She seemed to snap out of her daze as well. “Uh, yeah, sure, something like that. Or maybe it’s something much bigger than that, maybe during the whole “FOWL Thing” FOWL called for backup and that backup came really late. Or maybe FOWL supporters are rising up because they heard that we like completely destroyed the organization.” Vi thought aloud before quietly adding. “Or so we thought up until like an hour ago.”

I had turned so I wasn’t facing Vi as I tried to remember something.

"Right. So I think it's safe to assume that-" I turned around and noticed Violet was there anymore. "Vi?" I called out.

I panicked when I realized that FOWL could've taken her anywhere and I might never be able to see her again.

"Vi?!" I called out again, suddenly more anxious. I ran throughout the mansion desperately searching and noted that there was literally no one else in the mansion.

"VI!" I yelled before I heard another thud.

Scrooge's room.

I bolted there so fast I didn't even think a duck could move so fast and heard noises coming from the closet. I tore the door open revealing Violet Saberwing, tied up and gagged.

Gosalyn POV

Soooo, yeah, I kinda sorta care for that little twerp. What? He might have been the idiot to get us in the danger in the first place, but he definitely felt bad!

Anyways, he had that whole breakdown thing when more people came out of that door, this time I was ready with a knife in my hand, prepared to throw.

“Wait! Wait! Don’t throw, please!” A shrimpy little kid pleaded. He was holding someone else in his arms, a bundle of pink.

“Why should we listen to you, mysterious weiner kid?” Dewey, who was also holding a knife, asked. (Where did he get that from? Who did he get that from?)

“Because we’re the good guys.” A taller one with red hair said. “And one of our friends here is hurt.”

The little boy started talking again. “Also, your friend who got hit really should let us come near, because she probably only has like 5 minutes left to live. Bill’s powers are not to be trusted. He could’ve done anything to her.”

I didn’t know how to react to that, but I definitely did not want to die because of Dewey’s stupidity.

“Dipper’s right, we know how to cure it though.” The redhead spoke again and took a cautious step towards us, causing Dewey to take a step in front of me.

“Oh knock it off you guys, Dewey, they said they’re gonna help, so let’s let them help, but you random people, if you kill us, his uncle will kill you.” I said in a reasonable tone.

“Deal.” The redhead said with a small smirk. “Oh, by the way, I’m Wendy, this is Dipper,” She said with a small nod towards the kid holding the girl. “And that’s Mabel.” She said, gesturing to his full hands.

“I’m Soos!” A larger looking guy wearing a question mark shirt shouted.

“I’m Gosalyn and that’s Dewey.” I said flatly, pointing at myself first, then Dewey.

“How do you cure her?” Dewey demanded, clearly annoyed.

“Chill. If you want us to cure her you have to like, actually let us take more than one step towards her.” Wendy replied.

“Fine.” Dewey huffed then moved aside reluctantly. The crew came over towards me, Soos shut the door on his way over. The kid with the blue hat handed his sister to Soos then pulled out a book with a six-fingered hand on the title and in the center of it there was the number 3.

“You ready?” The kid-Dipper sorry-asked.

“Ready.” I said with a small grin towards Dipper.

Violet POV

Yeah, when Louie and I were in his bedroom, pretty much as soon as he turned his back to face the wall, some Egghead came out of his closet, tied me up, and threw me in here.

Anyways, as soon as Louie found me, he untied me so fast that I didn't even think it was possible for him to be moving that fast.

“Vi!” He shouted and pulled me into a quick hug. “Are you hurt?” Louie asked as soon as he pulled away, though he was still holding my hand, which I didn’t know how to feel about that.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I replied, slightly dazed from the fact that Louie Duck of all ducks just gave me a hug. “Anyways, did you find the egghead?” I asked, trying to brush it off.


“LOUIE!” I scolded him.




“Even worse.”



“Dude seriously, it’s not like I’m saying f-”

Just before Louie could finish that sentence, a blade went right into his shoulder.

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