Chapter 7

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Louie POV

I heard voices coming from the closet, so me being me, I walked towards them and found Violet telling Dewey and Gosalyn about the whole FOWL thing with Huey. Now you must be wondering, how did Violet find out about this?

Well, I may or may not have been calling for backup from Boyd, because y’know, super robot and all. (and also makes my life so much easier) So I kinda told him what Huey told me, knowing that he’d rush over immediately to help out his friend.

Anyways, so I walked in behind Vi and cursed out loud because I did in fact tell her to not tell anyone! But I guess this family just doesn’t understand the whole ‘keeping a secret’ thing.

“Louie!” Violet scolded me.

“Respect man.” Gosalyn said and gave me a small smirk, which I returned. (we were becoming better friends, y’know the whole crisis thingy really draws you closer to people)

“Well I guess now that everyone knows, what are we gonna do about it?” I asked, still slightly annoyed that Violet told everyone Huey’s secret almost immediately after I had told her.

“Um, I guess now would be a good time to tell you guys that Huey’s gone.” Gosalyn replied.

“And Webby too!” Dewey immediately chimed in after.

“What the du-”

“Louie this is the fourth time today-” Violet mumbled under her breath, putting a head on her forehead.

“Can it Vi,” I snapped. “When the situation is tense, I’m gonna cuss when I want to.”

“Okayyyyy, but what do we do about Webby being missing?” Dewey asked, then immediately got a death glare from Violet afterwards. “I mean, uh- and Huey too of course!” He quickly added to avoid the wrath of Violet.

“I say that this is an adventure we can solve together!” Gosalyn cheered and put her fist in the air.

“To adventure!” Dewey shouted and started running off into the depths of the manor, Gosalyn on his heels.

I hate this already.

Gosalyn POV

So after Dewey and I ran away from the rest of the group, we kinda, sorta, maybe, stepped on a trapdoor and were now stuck in some weird place underneath the mansion.

“Whoa. I didn’t know we had a basement!” Dewey exclaimed once we had finished falling.

“Get off me you idiot!” I yelled in response and shoved him off of me so I could stand up and look around. It just looked like a creepy hallway with a ton of doors. “Yeah, this isn’t creepy at all.” I mumbled after taking my look around before grabbing out my phone and turning on the flashlight.

“Dude you flash sucks.” Dewey snickered from beside me.

“Shut the duck up Dewford.” I snipped right back.

“Hey, not cool, we don’t gotta bring my awful name into this!” Dewey said, immediately getting defensive, just as I expected him to.

“Whatever. Now, what is this place?” I asked into the dark pathway of doors, my voice seeming to echo throughout the area.

“I dunno man, the more rational part of my brain is telling me we should stay here, but the less rational part of my brain is telling me we should open every single door possible.” Dewey said with a small smile. “Race ya!”
Dewey shouted before taking off to start opening doors.

How is it that I get stuck with Dewey
every time?

Violet POV

So Dewey and Gosalyn ran off, and after attempting to chase after them for a good 2 minutes, Louie gave up, forcing me to stop as well because I don’t want to be alone in this creepy manor.

“This is all so pointless. Why are we trying to solve a mystery that doesn’t need solving?” Louie mumbled to himself.

“What are you talking about Louie? Don’t you want to get your brother back?” I asked him, slowly turning to meet his gaze. When I looked at him, he seemed very distant.

Louie laughed coldly. “I mean we all just know that no matter what we do, Scrooge will just come along and save the day and make our efforts to help seem pointless.”

I opened my mouth, shocked. “Louie, that’s… actually really accurate.” I said, suddenly seeing his point of view.

“What?” Louie asked, fully looking at me now.

“Let’s solve this mystery before anyone else can steal the credit.” I replied.

“Are you sure? I mean, not even my brothers agree with me on this one, I’d think you’d be the last one of us to agree to this.”

“I’m sure.” I said with a slight nod of my head.

I’m not sure.

I have no idea what I was thinking and why I agreed with him.

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