Chapter 4

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Dewey POV

I went to go find Webby, but I just didn’t have the courage to confront her about… everything. I wound up crying in the vents because, well, I had a huge crush on her and I’d just found out she was related to me.
After about 10 minutes of me just feeling sorry for myself, I hear someone’s carefree footsteps nearby, then a loud thud.

“W-who’s there?” I manage to choke out without sounding too shaky.

“Dewey? Is that you?” I hear a familiar duckling’s voice ask near the entrance of the vents.

“Gos, please go away.” I replied.

“Too late.” Her voice echoes in the vents and in about a minute, she’s right beside me. “Dude have you just been in here… crying?”


“Dewey! Why are you crying? What happened? Ugh, I knew I shouldn’t have split up with you during the FOWL thing!” Gosalyn says all at once.

“No, no, no, this isn’t your fault in any way, it’s all on me.” I told her before she could start blaming herself even further.

“Then what is it, Dew?”

“I- nothing.” I sigh.

“Does this have something to do with Webby?” Gosalyn asked and looked me right in the eyes. My heart hurt just hearing her name.

“Just… don’t worry about it Gos.” I mumbled.

“Whenever someone says “don’t worry” it usually means you should most definitely worry.” Gosalyn stated. “Now explain yourself.”

“You’ll make fun of me.” I whimpered.

“Ugh, seriously Dewey? Okay fine, I promise not to make fun of you if you just tell me what it is.” Gosalyn promised.

“Okay, then here goes…”

Louie POV

I should explain why I’m acting up. Before anyone points their clammy little hands at me, this was not my fault in any way!

So during the whole FOWL thing, I got an idea. So y’know how me and my brothers were all tied up and that’s when we found out that Webby is actually related to us? Yeah well I may or may not have paid Ludwig Von Drake off to make a super dramatic scene and pretend that he found out Webby was related to us. The thing is… she’s not.

This was only payback on Dewey because I know he has a huge crush on her and he snitched on me for stealing gold last week.

Was it a bit cruel?


Did he deserve it?

Well, probably not but whatever. If he finds out, meh, that’s a future Louie problem now.

Anyways, Huey was just about to explain something to me so I perked up and actually listened, I figured he was just going to finally confess his undying love for Violet. (What? We all know it’s so obvious, they’re just both oblivious to it!)

“Okay then, here’s the story…” Huey explains the whole thing about Mrs. Beakley and the other FOWL members.

“No ducking way.” I gasp once he’s finished.

Huey sighed at my language. “I know, I’m shocked too, but I also don’t really know how to tell people yet. I mean, Webby probably wouldn’t believe me and Dewey pretty much agrees with everything she says. Scrooge has trusted her for years, maybe mom would believe me but I’m just not sure anymore.” Huey explains.

“I’m just hearing a lot of “me” in that sentence Hue.” I say and put a hand on his shoulder. “When has it ever not been us Duck boys against the world? C’mon Huey, I’ll help you and eventually we’ll get Dewey on board with us too.” I then add. “Whether he wants to or not, because I’ll force him into it either way.”

Huey manages a small smile. “Thanks, Louie.”

“Anytime, Huey.”

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