Chapter 17

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These are all going to be back in time from now on. This is going back to the Ramrod episode. Enjoy!

Huey POV

I guess I should explain myself.

It all started back at the Ramrod thingy. I started feeling twitchy and anxious for no reason. It got out of control though when Dewey did something as simple as pinching me. I started having this massive panic attack and suddenly everything slipped out of control. It was almost as if I was watching TV, I could see everything happening through my perspective, but it wasn’t me doing those things.

Then, this thing inside of my brain started talking to me. Telling me all the horrible things he would do to me or even worse, my brothers if I told anyone. Telling me what he would do to my uncle once he found him. Telling me what he would do to an innocent old man with the name Pines.

Nothing was worse than that night though. After he attacked Dewey, he made me cut myself with a shard of glass. Made it seem like I was going insane from the others point of view.

Like I was mentally unstable.

Huh. So this is what it feels like to be possessed by Bill Cipher.

Dewey POV

I was so screwed.

I’d never run this fast before in my life. Huey was chasing after me, growling and garbling nonsense. I didn’t even know what I did wrong! I just flicked him! He must’ve just been really on edge if he could’ve been set into The Duke so fast.

I just knew I had to reach the control room, that’s all I needed. Hopefully, it would give the others the upper hand back with the Ramrod. If I could just cut the lights, in order to get Huey off my back, then shut down the Ramrod, everything would be fine.

Boy was I so wrong.

I took a sharp left and there it was! The control room! I burst in there, slamming the door shut once I got inside. I hurriedly just started pressing buttons left and right, pulling levers, doing anything I could to get something to happen. But it wasn’t working, and I was running out of time.

Suddenly, the door was forced open, I was in full panic at this point. I don’t even think I was breathing.

“Huey please…” I pleaded quietly, as he slowly backed me into a corner.

One slash was all it took. There was blood all over the floor and I had a massive, jagged, wound all across my stomach. Huey seemed to snap out of it once he hurt me.

“Duck! Dewey, I'm so sorry!” Huey shouted and raced towards me.

“Get away…” I whimpered before I blacked out.

When I woke up, I was beyond confused. I looked around and I was back in my room, my stomach was throbbing, and I was laying on Louie’s bunk. Suddenly, Huey’s face came into view.

“Oh my god! Dewey, I am so sorry!” Huey apologized, with tears in his eyes.

“Get off of him.” Louie’s harsh voice said, then Huey’s face was replaced with Louie’s. “Hey dude, so quick update, you’ve been out for like 2 hours, and you’re still bleeding, Vi says you should be dead, but you’re not, so that’s good I guess. The Saberwings are coming over to come fix you with some voodoo shit I guess.”

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