Chapter 21

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Louie POV

I looked around the room in horror and shock. Vi squeezed my hand tightly and had a look of pure confusion.

“That can’t be possible-” I muttered.

“It shouldn’t be.” Dipper responded. “Something very weird is going on here.”

“They shouldn’t be able to even have any of this stuff! How do they even know the books exis-” Wendy shouted but was interrupted by Mabel and Dipper.

“Ford.” The two said in unison.

“What could Ford possibly have to do with this place?!” Wendy yelled, clearly frustrated.

“I’m not sure, I just know that he mentioned something about FOWL at least once.” Dipper replied calmly.

“Yeah I remember! He was in his lab under the shack and he mumbled something about how FOWL owes him or something, some Buzzard guy or something?” Mabel explained.

“Bradford! Of course!” Huey exclaimed.

“Wait, guys, y’know how Ford was stuck in a different dimension for all those years?” Dipper asked the Gravity Falls gang.

“Well… yeah.” Soos answered for them all.

“Do you think… do you think it’s possible he was here that whole time?” Dipper said hesitantly.

“Holy shi-” I started to say, but Vi and Huey gave me a sharp look before I could finish my sentence. “I mean, uh, holy heck?” Huey facepalmed and Vi stifled a laugh.

Two old men appeared behind Wendy, who had been standing in the doorway the whole time. I was instantly ready with a ball of flame and Vi pulled a knife out of who knows where.

“Kids?” One of them spoke.

“Don’t touch them!” Dewey yelled, who also had a knife.

“Stan! Ford!” Mabel yelled, turning around and leaping into one of their arms.

“Kiddo! It’s so great to see you guys alive and well!” The one who I assumed was Stan said.

“C’mere Dipper.” Ford chuckled and embraced his great nephew. They all hugged and whatever, had their sweet moment I guess. Then Ford looked up in horror and saw everything in the room. “What is this?”

“Uh, sir,” Vi smirked when I said that. “It seems that FOWL kinda maybe is like watching you or something?” I informed him. (very respectfully according to Vi)

“Wait, is this that one duck dimension?” Ford asked. Huey just gave the guy a deadpan expression, but Dewey smiled at him.

“Yup! Welcome to Duckburg!” Dewey said over-enthusiastically.

He seemed to realize something as his eyes widened when Dewey said that. “Where’s Scrooge?” Ford then asked.

“Somewhere in here we think.” Vi replied by my side. “He was captured by FOWL.”

Ford sighed before running his hand through his gray hair. “That’s gonna be a problem.”

“Look, I’m sure you have some weird connection with our great uncle and whatever, but right now we need to figure out what any of this has to do with Bill.” I told him.

Ford seemed to actually register the pictures in the room now and looked more and more horrified with every glance that he took.


“We don’t know, but something really strange is going on here.” I said.

We all then heard maniacal laughter down the hall and we all shared a look of concern before running towards it. My gut twisted into knots when I heard the laughter. (Hehe, he's hereee~)

Gosalyn POV

Dewey and I were the first ones out the door and I instantly regretted it. We saw Bill glaring down at us and he seemed to be 10 times the size that Dipper had described him as.

“HIYA THERE!” His voice blasted throughout the whole building, followed by more laughter.

“Oh god…” Louie mumbled from my side.

“We're so dead.” Dewey whispered back.

“Indeed you are blue one!” Bill laughed. Suddenly Huey, Dewey, and Louie all fell to the floor in pain.

“Cipher! Stop this!” Ford yelled up at him. Bill flew over to him with an interested look on his face.

“Well lookie who we have here~” Bill giggled. “Is that Fordsie I see? What a delightful surprise!” Bill said as he hovered around Ford, seeming to be inspecting the old man.

“Leave the kids alone!” Stan yelled at him.

“Now is this Pine Tree that I see?” Bill wondered aloud, completely ignoring Stan and flying over to Dipper. Bill snapped and suddenly Dipper was on the ground as well.
“Now, here’s what I need to know-” Bill was cut off by Scrooge storming into the room.

“Bill, you blasted dream demon! Put my kids down.” Scrooge growled.

“No.” Bill smirked.

This was a facedown I was ready to watch.

Violet POV

Tears were streaming down my face as Bill was forcing the triplets and Dipper to start screaming in pain.

“Stop!” Donald and Della both shouted, appearing in the room right after Scrooge.

“I will do anything.” Scrooge pleaded. “Just please stop hurting the children.”

“Anything?” Bill seemed to consider it before he snapped and suddenly all the kids groaned and dropped to the floor.

“Louie!” I shouted and started to race towards him before I noticed that there seemed to be some kind of force field around them, preventing me from going to him.

“Well, you see here, about a month or so ago… I gave each and every one of them a little… gift, you could say.” Bill winked with his one eye. Huey vomited right then and there, it was black.

“Stop!” A chorus of voices screeched.
Bill laughed insanely again. “Oh but it’s so fun!”

That was when I realized we all might actually die here.

(Yeah.. so Bill’s here! But dw things will get better... eventually)

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