Chapter 6

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Webby POV

After getting scolded by Della and forced to the triplets bedroom by Violet, I ended up just going to the boys bedroom, figuring that it wouldn’t be too awkward because Violet would be back soon.

I entered their room and saw only Huey in the room. He was sewing one of his JWG badges onto his sash while laying on his bed, he seemed a bit frustrated, but was obviously hiding it. (What? If you wanna be a good spy you’ve gotta be good at reading people!)

“Where are your brothers?” I asked the eldest triplet, figuring that they must’ve gotten into a fight or something.

“Dewey is with… Gosalyn I think? And Louie left to go get a Pep.” Huey replied absentmindedly, not even looking up from his sash.

“Oh, well we’re supposed to stay here.” I gestured to the room we were in. When Huey gave me a confused look I added, “Della’s orders.”

“Is something wrong?” Huey asked.
I sighed then explained what me and Violet just witnessed in the kitchen.

“Whoa, so Mom was like, actually scared?” Huey asked, his voice slowly getting filled with concern and his face started to fall.

“Well… yeah, I guess.”

“This is bad. This is bad. This is really, really bad!” Huey shouted and began pacing the room.

“Huey, chill out! It could just be Donald pranking her or something!” I told him and got him to face me, he still had a troubled look on his face though. Usually calming Dewey down is way easier.

“Webby you don’t understand-” That was when my friend dropped onto the floor, a dart piercing his neck. I turned to face my enemy when suddenly everything went black.

Dewey POV

Me and Gosalyn darted towards the danger, because duh, danger is fun! Anyways, we were walking around the mansion when we heard a loud thud come from my room, we figured it was probably nothing, but we went to go check it out anyways.

We had just opened the door to reveal…

“Nothing?” I said out loud.

“Not nothing dingus.” Gosalyn replied and walked towards the bottom bunk and held up Huey’s JWG.

I gasped. “Huey doesn’t go anywhere without that thing!”

“Exactly. Something’s up.” Gosalyn said with a small grin on her face.

“You kids are gonna be the death of me one day I swear.” Uncle Scrooge grumbled from behind us. I turned to face my uncle, who had his face in his hands. “I mean seriously, you guys make a book into a mystery! How about you kids just go sit on the couch for once and relax?” Uncle Scrooge suggested.

I was shocked! I couldn’t believe my ears! Uncle Scrooge not wanting to adventure? That never happened! Now I knew something was up, so I played along with it.

“Oh yeah definitely, c’mon Gos, let’s go watch Ottoman Empire!” I exclaimed and grabbed her hand and quickly led her into some random closet.

“Dewey what the honk?!” Gosalyn shouted.

“Shhhhhh! Keep it down!” I whisper shouted back at her. “Something’s wrong, but I just can’t figure out what.” I mumbled.

“What do you mean?” Gosalyn asked and her face scrunched up confusedly. “Scrooge didn’t seem concerned.”

“I mean that Huey’s JWG book was just left on the floor there! Huey doesn’t do that kind of stuff! He takes care of everything he owns! He takes care of us!” I ranted, when I was finished I was surprised to feel Gosalyn’s hand on my shoulder. I turned around to face her.

“Hey, Dewey, buddy. It’ll all be okay, we’ll get through this together, just like we always do. Besides, once we find Webby, we’ll be unstoppable!” Gosalyn said with a smile forming on her face.

That was when the closet door burst open, revealing a certain hummingbird wearing a terrified expression.

“Violet?!” I whisper-shouted.

“You guys-” Violet gasped, trying to catch her breath from running. “Won’t believe this.”

“What is it?” Gosalyn asked, moving forward to put a hand on her shoulder.

“FOWL is still alive.” Violet said while rubbing her arms nervously.

“Okay what the fu-”

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