Chapter 5

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Gosalyn POV

Dewey explained the whole thing about him being in love with Webby, who he just found out was his… cousin? Aunt? I dunno, this family tree makes absolutely no sense.

“Whoa, that’s a lot dude.” I whisper once he’s done.

“I know, and now you probably think I’m some creep who’s in love with my whole family or whatever then you’ll never be friends with me again and then I’ll soon have no friends and it’ll just be me and my weird self who can’t stop thinking about Webby, who I’m freaking related to.” Dewey rambled.

“Whoa, Dewey, calm down. None of that is going to happen. We’re going to fix this. All you need to do is just completely ignore her existence then you’ll be able to breathe again.” I told him. “Trust me, I’ve done it before and it’s not as impossible as it sounds.”

“But it’s Webby for crying out loud! Who could ever forget about her?!” He had a good point, but I still needed to get her out of his head, otherwise he’d beat himself up about it too much.

“Hey Dew it’ll all be-” I was cut off by an ear-splitting scream.

“What the duck?” Dewey and I said at the same time and turned to each other.

Violet POV

Webby and I were on our way to the triplets bedroom when we heard a scream come from the kitchen, normally I would’ve run away from the danger, but I was at McDuck Manor, so obviously that didn’t happen.

Webby karate chopped the kitchen door open to reveal Della Duck sprawled out on the floor, paralyzed.

“Della?! What’s wrong?!” Webby immediately asked and helped the mother of three up from the floor.

“Go get Uncle Scrooge.” Della said sternly, shaking off the young duckling. “Don’t go anywhere alone in the mansion, tell the boys to stay in their room, once you get Scrooge stay in there as well.” Della was being dead serious, which was a side of her that I’d never seen before.

“Yes ma’am.” I replied and quickly dragged a shocked Webby out of the room. Once we were in the hallway alone I began speaking. “What just happened? Have you seen anything suspicious lately?” I demanded from her.

“N-no! Why was Della acting like that though? I-is she mad at us?” Webby whimpered, stuttering at the thought of having someone mad at her. Just seeing Webby sad made me upset so I came up with a plan that I would probably regret doing later.

“Don’t worry about it Webs, just go to the boys room, I’ll talk to Scrooge.” I told  my friend reassuringly.

“B-but she told us to s-stay t-together?” Webby stuttered.

“I’ll be in the triplets bedroom in like 5 minutes, chill out.” I responded then sent her away.

Let's just say I planned on doing the exact opposite of that.

Haha heyy guys! So how are yall liking it so far? It's about to really get crazy so sorry if it might get hard to keep up! Anyways please give me some insight because I wanna know if you guys are enjoying it! Bye! <3

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