Chapter 15

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Gosalyn POV

Me and the Gravity Falls gang explained everything that happened and they explained everything about Bill Cipher and how he is now free in this realm, which could cause a lot of problems for everyone here.

“Oh boy…” Louie mumbled under his breath.

“I know, it’s pretty bad.” Wendy sighed.

“Our problem isn’t necessarily as pressing as your guys’ problem… should we split up our group and one group defeats Bill while the other saves the adults and gets them to help the other team with Bill?” Violet suggested.

“That’s a great plan, except we have no clue where Bill would’ve gone in this dimension.” Wendy said while scratching the back of her head.

Vi cursed in some foreign language.
“Jeez Vi, that's the third time today.” Louie chuckled.

Vi scoffed. “Yeah right, you’ve been saying cuss words left and right Llewlyn.” She teased playfully, getting really close to his face.

So Louie and Violet got a thing going on huh?

“Okay, lightsaber.” Louie grinned.

“Hey! Saberwing is a beautiful last name that was gifted to me by my amazing ancestors!” Violet said, acting offended.

“You’re right, it is a pretty amazing last name.” Louie said, his beak inches from hers.

I cleared my throat loudly. “Earth to Loulet, we still exist.” Both turned deep shades of red and I chuckled, despite that though, they still grabbed each other's hands.

Wendy chuckled while Mabel just had a sad look on her face. “You two are ridiculous and I just met you guys.” Wendy grinned, shaking her head in disbelief.

“Mermando…” Mabel whispered quietly while Dipper gently placed a hand on her shoulder.

Dipper cleared his throat. “I have an idea, but you guys won’t like it…”

Violet POV

I squeezed Louie’s hand as I prepared myself for a most likely death defying idea.

“Okay, but first, I have something to tell you guys.” Dipper sighed and took a really deep breath. “So, back when we were fighting Bill, before the door and all, remember when I took the hit for Mabel, but it went right through me and still hit her?” He told the group, which all slowly nodded their heads. “Well, when I got hit, I felt something surging into me. Like a vessel-”

“Of power.” Louie finished for him. They both slowly met eyes. They seemed to have like a mental conversation or something like that.

“When did you find out?” Dipper asked Louie.

“A while ago, long story short, a massive time machine thingy blasted me and ever since I’ve felt them.” Louie explained.

“Mine was just yesterday.” Dipper mumbled. “I knew I felt a connection to this place.”

“Do you think… there are others?” Louie wondered aloud.

“There could be, I still feel like this-” Dipper began to say before getting cut off by Louie again.

“Magnetic pull towards something.”

“How do we know for sure that Louie’s are connected to Dipper’s?” Wendy asked.

“We don’t, but we can only assume that they are.” Dipper stated. “Okay, so you said you got blasted by some machine thing, was this machine possibly open to other dimensions?”

“Yes, it was.” I responded for Louie, the triplets all told me about the whole adventure right after it happened. “Knowing the Ramrod and the way it worked, we have to assume that it was open to any dimension within range, Gravity Falls you say?” I spoke up a bit more, suddenly getting an idea.

“Yep, that’s us.” Mabel replied.

“I’m gonna need a pen and paper.” I grinned.

Webby POV

It wasn’t long before Huey came up to the plane and joined us. Everyone was dead silent when he did and it put a weird edge on the whole situation. He still seemed super annoyed with everything going on, I could practically cut the tension in the air with a butter knife.

“Okay, I can’t take this anymore!” Dewey suddenly shouted, dropping a box of supplies on the floor with a loud thud.

“Jeez Dew, chill out.” I smirked.

Dewey rolled his eyes. “I’m serious! We need to talk about what happened back there!”

Huey sighed and plopped himself down on one of the boxes, Dewey following suit. “I guess I just got so mad and I- ugh no it’s stupid.”

“Huey, we care about you, and whatever’s going on, we want to help you out.” I comforted my friend, sitting down next to the two of them as well.

“Well, remember back when I attacked Dewey?” Huey whispered. Dewey winced and nodded his head.
“Well, it was kinda like that time, I just saw the two of them kissing and I lost it. Louie knows that I like Violet and that she’s like the only, and I mean it when I say, the only girl I have a chance with. He has all the girls in town fall for him day after day. He could literally have anyone else. But no, he has to steal this from me too.” Huey mumbled.

“Jeez Hue, that’s kind of a lot.” Dewey stated.

“Is that what it felt like when you attacked Dew?” I piped up asking my question with caution.

“Yeah, kind of, except when I attacked Dewey, it felt like I had absolutely no control over my body. It was more like I was simply watching a screen of what was happening. I barely had control over my own thoughts.” Huey explained blandly. Dewey seemed lost in thought, like he had just come to some insane revelation.

It was quiet after that, or at least until Dewey spoke up again.
“How did Louie get his powers?”

Huey and I turned and faced Dewey with a look of pure confusion.

“What?” I asked.

“I think I’m onto something here, now answer my question.” Dewey replied. He had that look on his face where you know that his mind is racing and he has some insane idea.

“I honestly have no clue, he never told me about it.” I told him. Dewey turned and looked at Webby with pleading eyes.

“Sorry Dewdrop, today is the first time I even heard about him having them.”

“Well then I guess we have to go ask him then.” Dewey declared and stood up, already heading out of the plane.

“Wait! Dewey, hold on, at least tell us where you’re going with this!” I shouted after him, quickly following Dewey with Webby on my heels.

“Even I don’t know where he’s going with this.” Webby mumbled under her breath.

“Then it can’t be good.”

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