Chapter 13

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Louie POV

Once Dewey left, Vi and I made our way to the kitchen, which looked like there had been a massive fight break out in there.

Of course. Mom. I had nearly forgot about that incident when it had only happened this morning.

Vi and I silently cleaned up the mess and I just hoped that wherever Mom was, that she was safe at least.

“So, how have things been?” Vi finally asked, after we'd finished cleaning.

“Oh, y’know, the usual, invade a FOWL base one day and then the next get attacked by the same people you thought you just killed.” I joked.

“As they say, life is like a hurricane in Duckburg.” Violet chimed.

I laughed. “Don’t say that around Dewey or else he’ll never stop singing.” I warned as I applied some butter onto a piece of bread.

“Noted.” Violet chuckled as she placed another slice of ham on top of a piece of bread.

“Ham or turkey?” I asked.

“Ham obviously, who even likes turkey?” Vi said immediately.

“Dewey.” I laughed.

Vi fake-shuddered. “Oh how horrible! That means I have to touch the gross slimy turkey!”

“Meh. He can make his own sandwich.” I replied, finishing making my own as Vi finished making hers. We sat down at the long table and enjoyed our sandwiches in peace, cracking jokes every now and then.

The whole time, something felt off, I thought I might’ve just been on edge from the past attack, but this definitely felt different.

That was when I noticed Black Heron standing in the doorway, with a gun point directly at Vi’s back.

I did the only thing I could think of and jumped right in the bullet's path to block Vi, the bullet hit me right in my upper back and I felt a searing pain all throughout my body.

“LOUIE!” Violet shrieked. I slipped out of consciousness right after that.

Gosalyn POV

Once Mabel woke up, I got to talk to her and she seemed like a pretty cool gal. I did also notice that somewhere along the way, we’d lost Dewey.

“Wait, where’s Dewey?” I asked, looking around for him.

“Uh, the blue one?” Soos asked.

“Yes. And his name is Dewey.” I replied in a clipped tone. I knew Dewey hated being called stuff like that, always being grouped in with his brothers, he felt like he wasn’t his own person because of it.

“I’m sure he’s fine, he’s capable of being off on his own, right?” Wendy asked.

“Uhhhh… no.” I told her. “He’d be safer with a knife that he doesn’t know how to use in a room full of assassins than off on his own.”

“Yikes.” Mabel mumbled.

“Yikes, indeed.” I said. “We need to find him. Now.” I demanded, suddenly getting anxious.

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