Chapter 12

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(TW: hints of self harm. Sorry if that is a touchy subject for some of you guys, it's only mentioned a tiny bit in Huey's part so you can skip it if you want)

Webby POV

“Huey!” I yelped as soon as Granny knocked him out. “Granny, why would you do that?!” I yelled, turning to face her.

Granny simply lifted Huey up and sighed. “Listen dear, just follow my lead and I will explain this all later.”

“O-okay.” I stuttered, confused.
Granny just sighed before bursting open the door back into the FOWL base. Almost as soon as we entered, an Egghead appeared.

“ID.” He demanded, with a very annoyed glance at Huey, then at me. Granny sighed again and showed him her badge. “You kids really couldn’t have just done what you were told huh?” The egghead asked, clearly annoyed.

“Don’t. I’m going to put her in the Library in a few minutes, I just got her neutralized, please don’t rile her up again.” Granny reprimanded him.

“Sorry Agent 22.” He replied.

Granny just made a “tsk” noise before walking off, I quickly followed her lead. She led me down a hallway, and straight past a door that was clearly labeled “Library” in big block letters.

“Granny, what’s happening?” I whispered, trying my hardest not to move my mouth, knowing everything in this base was most likely being recorded.

“Just trust me dear, I’ll get you kids home so you can defend the manor.” Granny whispered back, barely moving her lips.

She led me down the hallway and into a door with a label on it that said “Pods”. She opened a pod that looked tiny and was white, the inside looked like a tiny little control room. She punched in on the keypad “McDuck Manor”.

“Webby darling, please go home, defend the manor with all you’ve got, and please, please don’t. Get. Hurt.” Granny said with tears in her eyes.

“Granny, can’t you just come with us?” I whimpered.

“No sweetie, I have to take them down here, otherwise they’ll get suspicious.” She remarked sadly.


“No buts. Oh and one more thing, look out for Louie, I think he knows something he shouldn’t, because those dummies were after him and got you and Huey by mistake.”
Granny instructed me.

I looked down in defeat. “Yes Granny.” I said weakly.

She gave me a quick hug. “Thank you, now be strong for me.” Granny smiled. Then, she left.

Huey POV

I woke up, disoriented. I looked around and we were in something that I could only describe as a pod. Webby had a fierce look on her face as she seemed to be pressing some buttons on the control panel.

“Where are we?” I asked, my head spinning slightly.

“Oh! Huey! Thank goodness you’re awake!” She exclaimed, not as bubbly as she usually was though.

“Wait, Beakley! Did she put us in the Lost Library? Is she part of FOWL? Are we getting shipped there right now?!” I yelled as I suddenly remembered everything in a rush.

“Huey, chill out. Granny’s not a part of FOWL.” Webby said and looked down sadly. “And she just risked her life to save us.”


So then, Webby explained everything that had just happened and after she did, I was just in pure shock.

“Wow. Webby I am so sorry.” I apologized.

“It’s fine. We just have to get home safely now.” She stated, putting on a brave face once again. I must’ve still looked hesitant because she looked towards me again and spoke up again. “Hey, are you okay?”

After a beat of silence I finally answered. “Yeah, yeah, I’m fine, just… did I… hurt anyone while I was The Duke?” I asked, accidentally letting my anxiety drip through my voice as I spoke.

“Huey, that was the best I’ve ever seen you in The Duke, although to be fair, that was also the first time.” Webby chuckled, trying to lighten the mood, though I still wasn’t convinced, and of course she noticed.

“Hey, if this is about that time you lost control and accidentally attacked Dewey, it’s okay! You’re getting better and that’s what matters.” Webby smiled.

“Yeah, but I could’ve killed Dewey that night. I just got so angry. What if that happens again?” I mumbled.

“We’ll all be there to help you.” She said and grabbed onto my wrist with cuts all over it.

“Thanks Webby.” I smiled, I hadn’t smiled like that in a long time.

Dewey POV

I got fully out of the trapdoor and Louie and I exchanged stories and the whole time, he and Violet were giving each other... meaningful glances.

I couldn’t help but smile at the thought of my baby brother crushing on Violet Saberwing.

After we’d wrapped up our conversation I just sighed.

“I’m really tired, and really dirty.” I declared.

“Me too.” Louie agreed.

“I say we all go shower and change, and I can make us all some sandwiches.” Violet suggested with a smile.

“You’ve already helped me so much, it’s only fair that I make the sandwiches.” Louie offered immediately.

Whoa. Louie, offering to work?! That was the moment I knew that he must’ve fallen for Violet hard.

“You guys could just make them together.” I said with a wink at Louie, who turned a deep shade of red when I did.

He quickly recovered and cleared his throat. “Um, yeah, that’d be great, right Vi?”

Vi?! Ohhhhh I’m gonna start planning the wedding!

“Yeah, that’d be great.” Violet blushed.

“Cool, well I’m gonna go shower… have fun alone you two.” I smirked.

Both turned super red and that’s when I knew my work here was done, so I left with a grin on my face.

Once I made it to my room, I thought about everything that was going on. Overall, I was happy that Louie had finally found who he was looking for, but I knew Huey would be upset, he’d been crushing on Violet since they’d first met in Junior Woodchucks.

Anyways, I had bigger problems to worry about then some stupid love triangle.

As I gently took off my shirt, I looked at the massive scar I’d gotten from Huey when he attacked as The Duke.

Sometimes it’s like I can feel it pulsing through my body.

It scares me. I’m not really sure how this stuff works, I kinda wanted to ask Dipper about it and why Huey would have The Duke to begin with. I mean, obviously Uncle Donald has anger issues, but this is much deeper and worse than those.

It’s like he’s some kind of unleashed monster when he’s The Duke. He’s been getting much stronger recently too, I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing.

Either way, I’m concerned.

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