Chapter 2

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Karina POV

I instantly regretted after that unlikely encounter with him. I wanted to know about him more, asking for his number but the consequences of my actions got to me as I hesitated at the exact moment when I wanted to execute.

Returning back to our vehicle where my members were waiting for me, they noticed that my face was red.

"Unnie why are you blushing right now?" Winter asked.

"Am I? It must be hot outside" I found out an excuse.

"The weather is cold though" Ningning said as she looked outside of the vehicle.

"Did you meet someone in the store?" Giselle asked me smirking.

"Ah of course not! People barely noticed me!" I suddenly raised my voice feeling flustered.

"Ooooo unnie, did you see someone handsome in there?" This time it was Winter teasing me after my flustered act.

"Yahh stop it, it's nothing serious" I told them to stop as I covered my face.

"Oh that must be him" Ningning pointed to someone getting out of the store randomly and to my surprise it was really him, the guy that I met.

"Ohhh I guess we have found our suspect. Jimin is blushing right now" Giselle teased me again as she saw how a blush was forming on my cheeks when I looked at that guy.

"He is kinda handsome though" Winter nonchalantly said while munching her snacks.

"He looks foreign" Ningning followed up leading to them smirking at me.

"Nothing happened! I just accidentally bumped into him while looking for your snacks" I unwillingly told them.

"Ohh so you did interact with him" Giselle attacked me nonstop.

"Uh- its- argh nevermind" I groaned and inserted my earphones to stop the constant teasing.

They all laughed and continue doing their usual stuffs as their manager drove them back to the dorm after the surprise event.


After I had finished buying the supplies, I immediately headed back to the apartment not forgetting about the interaction I had just now.

Even though the girl was wearing a mask but somehow she still looks beautiful and it felt like I have seen her before.

Heading back home, I kept thinking about it and soon shook it off after arriving at my doorstep. I placed the groceries at the dining table and went to my room for a rest.

I spend most of my time at home, browsing for jobs that suit me while playing some games on my pc. My housemates, Mark and Minjun both have their respective jobs already as I always end up at home alone.


The next morning, I decided to do something more productive instead of wandering around the apartment doing nothing.

"Wow you're up early" Mark greeted me while sipping his coffee before heading to work.

"Good morning Y/N. Kinda rare to see you up this early" Minjun continued and chuckled.

" *Yawn* Good morning guys" I yawned and joined them for breakfast.

"So what's the occasion?" Mark asked me.

"Nothing, just decided to do something different today. Might go to the nearby gym later" I answered him as I devour my breakfast.

"And the job search? How's that going for you?" Minjun this time asked as I can only reply by shaking my head.

"Unlucky, I could try asking my company if we have any vacancy" Minjun suggested.

"Nah it's fine, I'm quite enjoying my free time now. I'm sure I'll find one sooner or later" I confidently said to him.

"Whatever you say buddy. As long as you're fine" He sighed in defeat.

After a few moment, they both headed out to go work and I also went out of the apartment to head to the gym.

A few hours has passed after working out at the gym and I was drained. It has been a long time since I've been to the gym.

I walked back home after buying some foods and drinks nearby.

On the way home, I stopped on my tracks when I saw a kitten on the street near our apartment. I am really fond of cats and whenever I see one my intrusive thoughts would always win as I go interact with it.

I have always wanted to raise my own cat before but always being busy those past few years didn't allow me.

As I was busy feeding the kitten with some of my snacks, I heard a voice calling for someone.

"Socks! Where are you?" The sound got closer but I just ignored it.

"Excuse me have you seen socks?" The voice suddenly behind me making me surprised.

"Oh my god I'm so sor- Socks! There you are!" The girl approached the kitten and carried it immediately. I guess it's her cat.

"Your cat was wandering around here alone. You should've been more careful" I told her as she was too busy talking to the kitten. She looked so cute scolding the clueless kitten.

"Thank you for taking care of her sir" She said and faced towards me. It was the same girl from the store yesterday.

"Oh it's you again" I spoke out and laughed but she stayed still as she stared at me lifelessly.

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