Part 16

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Yunjin POV

I was contemplating to text Y/N. I don't know but there's something inside me that I need to let out to him in order for me to feel at ease. Without much thinking, I texted him late at night hoping that he would reply back the next morning. I was wrong he actually replied back almost instantly.


Hii Y/N!
Just wanted to make sure that you're coming back to Korea tomorrow right?
Let's have dinner together! My treat😊

Hi Jen😄
Sounds like a great idea!

You can bring Karina too if you want!
The more the merrier right haha

Nahh it's ok
I want to have an alone time with my long lost best friend🤭
We have a lot of catching up to do!

Whatever you say buddy🙄
I guess see you tomorrow then!

See ya!


Right after I had finish texting Yunjin, Karina also had ended her live and immediately asked me what I was doing smiling by myself.

"You look happy. What are you doing?" Karina chuckled and snuggled close to me.

"It's Yunjin, she wanted to have dinner with me tomorrow. You know for old times sakes hahah" I said to her.

"Oooo I see... by the way did you guys like... had a thing before? Maybe.... as lovers?" She hesitantly asked me.

"Jennifer? Nahh I don't look at her that way. She's like a sister to me. She was so clumsy during our school days to the point that I feel like her babysitter" I laughed remembering back our relationship.

"But...I don't know if it's true or not but one of our friend once told me that Yunjin had a crush on me. I guess that explains why she was sad when she saw us together" I explained to Karina briefly about our last time meeting each other.

"And do you feel the same about her?" Karina's voice became more soft asking me.

"Like I said she's like a sister to me. I do somehow feel bad...." I answered her honestly.

"I guess the only way for me to throw away this guilty feeling is by regaining back our friendship" I told Karina.

"That does sound reasonable but what if it goes the other way. What if she falls for you again?" Karina asked me as she faced me with puppy eyes.

"Don't worry I'll try my best to make it clear to her that my heart belongs to you and you only" I smiled and gave Karina a peck on the lips.

Karina smiled and rested her head on my chest getting comfortable on me.

"I feel like I don't deserve you sometimes" She spoke out.

"You do. We're Socks' parents remember?" We both chuckled and stayed silent for a few moment.

"Good night my love. I love you so much" Karina mumbled as she was getting more sleepy the more we stayed silent.

"Good night baby. Have a good sleep......I love you too" I caressed her hair while saying that and we slowly let the tiredness take over our body.


Here we are at the airport for our flight back to Korea and it is as usual, very crowded by fans.
I helped the security team to make way for the girls to get through easily and unexpectedly, one of the fans called me out.

"Y/N!!" A random fan called for my attention, I had to stay with the security circle so I had no time to actually get to the fan.

Winter who was busy receiving gifts noticed it and went to the fan who was actually trying to give Y/N a gift. Winter took the gift and the fan told her to give it to Y/N as Winter nodded making the fan gratefully saying thank you repeatedly.

After a while, we were waiting to board our plane.

"Y/N-ie, I have something for you" Winter popped up in front of me with her hands on her back.

"What is it...." I hesitantly asked.

"Tadaaa" She showed me a bag containing snacks and a letter. I made a confused look on my face as I had no idea what it was for, my birthday is not even close.

"A fan gave it to you dummy hahaha" Winter giggled as she handed me the gift

"Hahahaha Y/N Oppa already got fans earlier than manager oppa" Ningning laughed at manager hyung as the other members joined laughing.

"Of courseee, my Y/N is one charming guyy" Karina said and squished my cheeks as she made a childish look.

"Hahahaha stop torturing him unnie, the fans will see it" Giselle said as she glanced around.

"Okayy~ I'll continue after we board our plane" Karina smirked as I just sighed.

"But I want to sit next to Y/N oppa..." Ningning objected, I saw this opportunity to tease Karina.

"Sure Ningie, I'll sit next to you" I smiled and looked at Karina's reaction. Ningning squealed in happiness but Karina, she just stared at me with a forced smile.

"Oh are you ok with that Jiminie?" I jokingly asked her.

"Yes of course I'm ok with it" Karina answered with a poker face.

"Alright, it's time to go guys" Manager hyung suddenly said as we all stood up and headed our way to board our plane.

While walking on the way there I approached Karina and told her that I was just joking as she just laughed and said that she was joking too. She was totally fine having Ningning sit beside me. She said that she didn't mind sharing, making me give her a weird look on my face as she just laughed.


After the long flight and ride back home, we arrived at the girl's dorm and I told Karina to wait as I had to go get Socks from my apartment.

Giving my friends a quick greetings and gifts from Japan, I picked up Socks and brought her to the girl's dorm.

Safe to say Karina was very happy to see Socks and so did Socks but it was only a short reunion as we all were very tired from the long day. Before going home, Karina made sure to give me a peck on the lips.

Just as I was walking towards my apartment, Yunjin texted me. I totally forgot about our dinner together this night.

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