Chapter 6

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Karina POV

As soon as I got back home, the other members kept teasing me. They saw my interaction with Y/N from the window making me embarrassed and flustered. I couldn't hide it now as they saw with their own eyes on what I did.

"Mind sharing?" Giselle smirked asking.

"He's cute" Winter followed up.

"Whaaatt" I whined to them.

"It's ok unnie, we'll keep your sweet secret" Ningning went on.

I was a blushing mess at this point, not knowing what to do.

"When are you going to introduce him to us?" Giselle asked.

I sighed in defeat as I explained to them my real feelings towards Y/N and a little about his background which they were willing to listen the whole night.


Arriving back at my apartment after sending off Karina, I felt excited about what had happened and didn't realise that my friends were waiting for me at the living room.

"Y/N, I have thousands of questions right now. Can you tell me how you and THE Karina are friends?!?!" Mark exclaimed, still shocked from just now.

"Yeah and why is she calling you daddy when she was talking with Socks?!?" Minjun continued.

I sighed and took a long breath before explaining to them the full details.

"I still can't believe that you are friends with an idol" Mark spoke out after I had finished explaining to them.

"Actually I have one more idol friend, we were classmates before in high school" I recalled from my memory. Both of their eyes widened from the sudden information.

"She's pretty famous and I'm not sure if she'd still remember me" I went on and told them about my past.


It was the next day already, I initially planned to invite Karina over to clean Socks together but unfortunately she had a schedule today so I bathed Socks by myself. And I won't say that it was easy.

Just as I was chilling in the living room with Socks watching the TV, Karina texted me.


How did bathing Socks go?

It was hell
She's afraid of water
She was literally jumping all around the bathtub, splashing water all around me

I'm sorry I can't help you😥

Nah it's ok
The job is done already

Our schedule is packed for this week so I won't be seeing you that much🥺
And Socks of course....
I promise I'll do my part next time

You don't have to worry Jiminie
I can take care of her myself
You can just focus on your group

I know but I still feel bad about it....

Don't worry about it~
Socks is not even giving me a hard time
Wow I actually feel like a househusband

And I'm the wife working for the family
Socks is lucky to have parents like us

I know right

Well I better get going now
Our manager is calling us
Bye Y/N-ie😚
Give Socks a kiss for me

Bye Jimin-ing

That text conversation made me imagine on having a real family with Karina, I was a flustered mess texting her. Good thing she couldn't see me at that time.

Then an idea popped in my head as I went on to my computer to search for aespa's upcoming schedules.

They had a concert in the upcoming days, no wonder she's busy.

I plan to surprise her there, I mean if I'm lucky enough for her to see me though. If that doesn't work I'll just take a picture that I'm at her concert.

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