Part 17

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Just as I was walking towards my apartment, Yunjin texted me. I totally forgot about our dinner together this night.


Don't tell me you forgot about our dinner😡

Noo of course nott
In fact I'm already on my way there!

You better be!
Hurry up
Im starving already

Yes maam🫡

I had to immediately get in my car and drive my way to the dinner location with Socks who was luckily in a cat carrier.

Upon arrival, I saw Yunjin already waiting for me who too busy playing her phone.

"Yoo sorry for making you wait. I had to pick up my cat after she was finished getting groomed" I made up a reasonable excuse and showed Socks to her.

"OMG! She's so cuteee!!" Yunjin exclaimed upon seeing Socks and that honestly made me relieved. Good thing it was an outdoor restaurant and the place didn't mind customers bringing pets.

"Ok I forgive you. You're lucky your cat is cute" Yunjin continued while tapping the cat carrier, playing with Socks as I rolled my eyes as a joke.

"Let's order our food" I spoke and called a waiter.

After we had our foods and drinks served on our table we had conversations and reminisce our past memories that made us laugh and happy.

Then it went quiet as we both were munching on our food.

"Y/N, I actually have something to tell you" Yunjin suddenly said after thinking about it for a long time.

"Go on" I instructed her while wiping my lips with a tissue after eating.

"I don't know if you know.... but I actually had a crush on you during our school days" She nervously said.

"I know" I answered her honestly resulting in her making a shocked expression.

"Your friend told me" I explained to her immediately.

"Really?!?" She asked as I nodded. "I know that you don't feel the same way but I just felt like telling you so that I won't feel as guilty whenever we interact with each other" She expressed her heart.

"I hope this won't ruin our friendship ..... it hurts so much the fact that I can't talk or see you. Those past few years were proof that I missed your presence so much"

I just smiled at her as she gave me one back with tears slowly forming on her eyes.

"Of course Jen, you're still the clumsy little girl in my eyes" I chuckled as she also did the same.

"Best friends?" She extended her arms towards me.

"Of course, Jennifer" We shook our arms, feeling satisfied that we can stay like good old times.

Then we continued our dinner happily, knowing that we now don't have to worry about our secrets.

We even went for a walk on the park after dinner, sharing about our lives after school.

As the day got late, I sent Yunjin home to her dorm with her showing me the directions.

"Bye Y/N, it's always a great time hanging out with you. We should do this more often! We could even bring Karina too" Yunjin suggested.

"Sounds like a great idea. Bye Jen. See you when I see you" We waved each other goodbye and she got out of my car as she approached her building entrance making sure to give me one last wave before entering.

Heading home, I felt satisfied and mostly tired. I immediately plopped down on my bed as soon as I reached my room after placing Socks back to her bed.

That day onwards, Yunjin and I had restored our friendship. We hung out often with her members and the aespa members. We even had a group chat containing both LE SSERAFIM members and aespa including me, which was honestly chaotic in a good way.

She also constantly texts me about Socks, asking for pictures and videos which she sometimes share with her fans on her bubble.

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