Chapter 14

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Manager hyung gave me the task to bring the girls to the venue later as he took the task to go check the venue for any mistakes himself. I took this opportunity to rest up and called my housemates to check up on Socks.

"Hello?" Mark's voice appeared as he picked up my call.

"Hey, how are you guys there? Is Socks doing well?" I asked him.

"Uhmm about that...." Mark hesitated.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" I asked him.

"We lost her Y/N. But don't worry! We'll make sure to get her back before you come home" Minjun popped up after making me shocked from his sudden statement.

"You guys lost her?!?! How? Karina is gonna freak out if she finds out about this" I whisper-shouted to avoid Karina from hearing our conversation.

"We know we know. Don't worry Y/N, we're trying our best to find her" Mark reassured me.

"Haish this is all my fault... You guys have work and stuffs to do other than watch her all the time" I sighed from my foolishness of letting two busy men to take care of Socks.

"Nonono it's not your fault Y/N, like I said don't worry we'll find her and pretend that this whole thing never happened ok?" Minjun spoke out.

"Yeah it's our fault for not closing the windows before leaving the house. You go focus on your job" Mark continued.

"Fine.... you better find her before Karina finds out. I'm hanging up now, bye take care" I bid them farewell and hung up the phone.

After the call, I glanced over to the bed where Karina was busy playing her phone, trying to get any clues that she might have eavesdropped our conversation.

"Was that your housemates? How is our baby doing at home?" Karina asked me after I faced her.

"Yeah.... she's doing well" I hesitated about lying to her but I didn't want her to panic or mess up her mind before her concert.

"Hmm? What's wrong? You sound hesitant" She responded to my weird tone.

I wanted to tell her the truth but I was too afraid of the consequences that might occur.

"There's nothing wrong. I just miss Socks so much right now" I tried to cover it up as I approach Karina on the bed.

I sat on the bed and Karina hugged me from the back.

"Me too....." She softly spoke and I faced her.

"At least we have each other right now right" She continued and gave me the most heartwarming smile. I felt guilty lying to that beautiful face of hers.

"I'll give the guys another call after your concert so we can see our baby, okay?" I caressed her cheeks as I said that.

"Okie" She replied cutely.

Then after half an hour, it was time for me to bring the girls to their concert venue for their sound check and last minute practices.

As we arrived at the venue, I parted ways with the girls to leave them to do their stuff and met manager hyung for tasks to be completed.

As I was busy walking around backstage checking the concert equipments, I saw Karina talking to a guy. I thought it was one of the staff members so I just let them be but my curiosity took over me as I eavesdropped them from afar.

At first it seemed like a normal conversation until I saw the guy trying to hold Karina's arm, she reacted by stepping back but the guy was persistent and I knew that was my cue to step in.

"Hey what are you doing" I raised my voice making both Karina and the guy surprised as Karina immediately sprinted towards me.

"Thank god you're here! This guy was trying to take me somewhere" Karina said in a terrified tone.

"You know this guy?" I asked her as she shook her head.

"Excuse me, what were you trying to do to her?" I asked the guy as I approached him slowly.

"Oh the makeup staff asked me to go get her for some makeup work" He hesitated for a moment and I face Karina to confirm his words.

"Is that true?" I asked her and she shook her head again while hiding behind me.

"Let me see your i—" I faced him again but before I even manage to finish my word, I received a sudden punch in the face making Karina shout.

I was dazed for a moment and quickly gained my attention back for Karina's safety and realised that the guy started running away.

Knowing that an outsider is in the building, I started to chase him after telling Karina to get to somewhere safe.

"Jagiya wait!" Karina shouted but I ignored her trying to catch the outsider first.

I managed to stay on the outsider's tail until he reached a dead end.

"Alright buddy let's make this easy and just turn yourself in" I spoke to the guy and he seemed like he was prepared to fight me with both his fists up. A fist fight is the last thing I want right now.

"I guess you want to take it the hard way" I cracked my knuckles as I prepared for the fight.

"There they are!" Karina's voice suddenly appeared from behind with security guards. I felt relieved that the guards came and took the outsider.

They took care of him and brought him to the authorities.

"Are you ok?" I asked Karina as I scanned all over her body. She only gave me a worrying look.

"Your face...." She said and placed her hand on my cheek. A tear streamed down her face as she looked at me in the eyes.

"Theres blood on your lips and you're asking if I'm ok or not?" Her voice trembled in the verge of crying, I can only give her a smile.

"As long as you're ok, I'm ok" I cheerfully told her with a smile.

Then she lunged forward to give me the tightest hug. I didn't know what to do so I just caressed her back gently as she gripped me.

"I'm sorry for burdening you baby" Karina spoke out.

"It's not your fault, I'm gonna make sure the whole place is secure next time" I promised her.

After a brief moment of silence.

"Unnie!" Winter's voice appeared making me face her with Karina still holding onto me.

"The sound check is starting, hurry up!" Winter continued.

"Give me 1 more minute" Karina groaned and Winter just agreed to her.

"You better go now, your fans are waiting for you" I chuckled.

"Not without a kiss" Karina smiled softly at me and pouted her lips, preparing for a kiss.

This girl always takes her chances in this kind of thing making me smile and give her a peck on her lips.

"One more please" She gave me puppy eyes and pouted. How could I say no to this cutie.

Then I kissed her but this time a longer one as I pulled her in closer to my body and her hand finding its own way to the back of my head.

"You good now?" I asked her after our kissing session as she smirked at me.

"I have a special gift for you, I'll show it to you later in our hotel room" Karina smirked and I feel uneasy by her words.

"I have to go now, see you later baby. I love you!" She sprinted away to go get ready.

"I love you more!" I shouted to her and she gave me a cheeky smile.

I proceeded to go find manager hyung to ask him on how an outsider was able to enter the building.

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