Part 21

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After successfully getting the van's location with Minjun's phone location, I immediately headed towards my car.

"Haish at least let me follow you jackass" Minjun said and entered my car. Mark was too cautious to follow so he stayed behind to wait for the police to arrive.

I drove like hell not worrying about my own life towards the location which eventually led up to an old warehouse in the middle of nowhere. I made sure with the location of Minjun's phone and somehow saw the same black van from before.

"There, I see their van. They should be inside" I told Minjun and almost got out of the car as he pulled me back in.

"Hey I know you're worried about them and all but you should still plan your move before trying to face them" Minjun said making me slightly slow down a little bit.

"You're right. Here, call the police" I gave him my phone and as he was busy dialling, I got out of the car.

"Haish, this dude" Minjun said watching Y/N head towards the building. Y/N was too stubborn to be waiting for the authorities to arrive first before taking action himself. He knew that he had to act fast before something bad happens to the girls.

Heading to the building, my mind was empty with only one goal which was to save the girls. I didn't even care about my own safety. I literally barged in the building and immediately saw the girls again but this time the psychotic manager was nowhere in sight leaving only the two buffed guys guarding the girls.

"Y/N!" "Oppa!!" The girls shouted upon my presence.

"This dude is crazy. Boss was right about him coming back for more" One of the guy said while holding a bat.

"He needs a good beating to learn his lesson" The other confidently said as he cracked his knuckles.

They wasted no time as the two of them immediately sprinted towards me for a fist fight. I wasn't the best at fighting but all those gym works that I did before definitely payed off as I could hold on a lot longer fighting two guys at once.

One of them had a weapon so it was an unfair fight to begin with.

"Behind you!" The girls shouted as I reacted quickly and dodged the swing of the bat.

The guy with the bat swung hard and somehow lost his balance and I took the opportunity to pick up his bat which he clumsily dropped.

I managed to knock one of them after swinging a bat at him in the face but the other seemed unbeatable, he honestly looked like he could go on the whole day. I tried using the bat again but the guy somehow kicked it out of my grip.

Punches after punches and bloods spreading everywhere we fought to the very last of our energy until sirens could be heard from the outside. The guy eventually gave up after the police came in but the manager was still nowhere to be seen.

"Police! Hands up in the air where I can see them!" The police pointed their gun towards the criminal as he obeyed them. They cuffed both of the suspects and proceeded to search the entire building for the manager.

I dropped down to my knees after knowing that the girls were safe and Karina immediately ran to me.

"Y/N! Jagiya! Are you ok?!" Karina hugged and asked me as she hold my face.

"It's ok you are safe now" I felt relieved and then let the tiredness of my body take over as my eyes shut automatically.

The last thing I saw was the other aespa members approaching me.

Minjun was also there as he called the ambulance to come help Y/N.

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