Part 22

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After of what felt like ages of good sleep, I finally woke up. I took a glance around and noticed that I was in a hospital room.

As my eyes continue to wander around, I saw a figure right beside me sleeping, resting her head on my bed while seating on a chair. It was Karina, the love of my life. I caressed her hair, admiring her presence after the incident and not being with her for so long.

'She must've been tired' I thought to myself and continued to do what I did.

After a few minutes of stroking her hair, she finally woke up and her eyes went opened wide after making eye contact with me.

"Jagiya! You're finally awake!" She lunged towards me for a hug which I accept happily.

"How long was I asleep?" I chuckled as she faced me with teary eyes.

"You were unconscious for a whole day!" She whined. "What you did was very dangerous you know. What if something bad happened? I wouldn't forgive myself if that happens" She cried out resulting me to hug her again to comfort her.

"I wouldn't forgive myself too if they hurt you my love. I'd die for you" I assured her while rubbing her back.

Just then I realised that my body was full of scars and bandages as the aches and sores start to kick in.

"So what happened to manager hyung?" I asked her after she had calmed down.

"The police managed to track him down. He was at the airport trying to escape by taking a last minute flight away from Korea but the police was quick enough to capture him before the plane even manages to takeoff" Karina answered with a satisfied look on her face.

"Oh I also have one more good news for you!" She continued her streak of good news.

"What is it?" I spoke out with my still hoarse voice.

"You're back as our manager and even better, our main manager! The CEO needed someone reliable and trustworthy, he saw that in you when you stepped up for us" Karina excitedly told me as she held my hand, bouncing on her seat slightly.

"What about our relationship...?" I hesitantly asked expecting some bad news.

"The company had released a statement about it! They stated that we're officially in a relationship so no more hiding" She gave me a heartwarming smile which I replied back with one too and kissed her passionately.

"I love you Y/N. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me" Karina said after the kiss.

"I love you too Jiminie. I will always protect you with my life" we hugged each other once again.

Soon after, the other aespa members and even Yunjin and her members came to visit me at my hospital room.

The fans eventually accepted that one of the hottest K-pop star, Karina, is in a relationship with Y/N,  and sent them positive messages and comments after the police had released a statement about the attempted kidnapping of aespa. Making sure to mention the heroic actions of Y/N in the process.

Y/N and Karina's journey serves as a testament to the power of love as their melodies intertwine, the world eagerly awaits the next chapter in their extraordinary journey.

Another book down, this book also felt like rushed but what can I do, I had to clear up space for new books right haha. Thank you to everyone that has been through this bumpy journey with me. It would've been hard without your encouragement and witty comments.

Now go read my other books😂

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