Part 19

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The next day came and I picked up Karina for the surprise visit at my parent's house. I haven't seen them in a while. Karina agreeing to join made me excited knowing that I can finally introduce my girlfriend to my parents.

On the way towards my parent's house, Karina was so excited that she couldn't stop talking about it. People usually get nervous at this moments but Karina is different knowing what a social butterfly she is.

After a few hours on the road, we finally arrived at our destination and I noticed that my older sister's car was here indicating that she was also here at my parent's house.

"Looks like my sister is also here" I chuckled and proceeded to park the car.

I forgot to mention that I have a sister who is already married. She also has a 3 year old.

Standing in front of the door, Karina suddenly got shy as she was hiding behind me making me laugh at this cute cat.

"What are you doing? You were all excited and happy the entire ride here" I told her.

"I know~ I'm suddenly nervous about it" Karina cutely whined.

"Come here, it's going to be fine. My family will love you" I wrapped my arms around her shoulder and rang the doorbell.

The door opened revealing my mom, wearing an apron making me laugh.

"Hi mom!" I greeted.

"Y/N—..." My mom froze after seeing Karina.

"Hello Y/N's eomoni(mother). I'm Yu Jimin" Karina introduced herself briefly, bowing and smiling in the process.

"My girlfriend" I proudly told her.

"Of course I know you" My mom shocked while holding her mouth with her hands. "H-hello it's nice to meet you" My mom got flustered by the appearance of an idol.

"Uhmm aren't you going to invite us in mom?" I laughed.

"Oh oh yeah come on in you guys. I just finished cooking so let's eat" She invited us in.

"Guyss!! Y/N is back home with someone special!" My mom shouted as we entered the house while dragging Karina excitedly.

"Y/N how are yo-" My sister also froze after seeing Karina with my mom hand in hand.

"aespa Karina?!?" My sister exclaimed.

"Hello nice to meet you" Karina bowed warmly again.

"Omo omo I'm a big fan" My sister then approached my mom and Karina.

I was left behind as I just witness my girlfriend with my mom and sister excitedly complimenting each other. I felt relieved knowing that Karina is comfortable already with them.

"I guess I'll just head home now" I joked as they all suddenly turn to me.

"Yah jagiya~" Karina said and pulled me.

"Don't sulk Y/N, it's not our fault that you have a very beautiful girlfriend" My sister said making them all laugh.

"No no~ unnie you're more beautiful, you too eomoni" Karina responded.

"Aigoo she's sweet too~ how did you manage to get this angel Y/N" My mom said while still holding onto Karina's hand.

"Hahahaha it's a very long story" I said and then my niece who was busy playing with my father, joined us in the living room.

"Uncle Y/N~" She lunged towards and hugged me immediately. Karina loves children and the way I interacted with my niece made her fall in love more.

My niece, Ji Hye, immediately recognised Karina and talked to her. As they were busy getting comfortable with each other, my father came as I greeted him and introduced Karina to him. He's more of a calm-type of guy compared to my mom who is full of energy after seeing Karina.

We all then sat down on the dining table for lunch. Since it was a special occasion, my mom made sure to go all out in making the meals and safe to say that it was very special.

I shared to my family on how we met each other and a little bit of her background. We spent the entire day chatting and playing with Ji Hye.

Karina was stuck to my mom like a glue, watching my old photos and sharing my embarrassing moments to her proudly. I watched them happily interacting with each other from the side with my sister.

"They look happy together" My sister chuckled.

"I know right. Mom is exposing me too much" I replied to her.

"I like her Y/N" My sister said as I showed her a confused face.

"Jiminie of course. She's so down to earth and sweet" She continued as I nodded in agreement.

"I'm so lucky to have her" I softly said as I watch Karina laughing with my mom.

"You better protect her with your life" My sister spoke out and I nodded.

Soon the day got darker indicating that it was time for us to back home. Ji Hye was sad that we can't stay for the night, Karina has a schedule tomorrow so we can't fulfill her wish.

We bid farewell to everyone and I made sure to give my family, hugs before leaving.

"Bye Jiminie, if Y/N ever treats you bad just tell me ok?" My mom told Karina as soon as we entered my car as I just rolled my eyes.

"Hahahaha that won't happen eomoni, Y/N is a very sweet guy. Right Jagiya?" Karina lovingly backed me up and we all laughed.

We waved them goodbye one more time after driving away from the house. It was a sad scene watching my niece crying after we had to go.

Karina felt bad for her and suggested that we buy a gift for her next time which I agreed to.

The ride back home was peaceful, Karina was tired as she was resting while holding my hand clinging on to it.

"You have a very beautiful family jagiya" Karina softly said.

"Told you that they'll like you. You fit in just well" I told her as I rubbed her hand with my thumb.

"Can't wait for you to meet mine next" She smirked and just the thought of it made me nervous.

"I already got chills on my spine thinking about it" I told her as she laughed knowing how introverted I am towards new people.

Soon after, we arrived home and I dropped off Karina after giving her a quick kiss.

What Y/N and Karina didn't notice was that someone had snapped a picture of the romantic moment from afar which soon was spreading across the media like a virus.

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