Chapter 7

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Here I am, sitting at a premium priced seat where it's easily visible from the stage. There I was waiting while holding the light stick, anticipating to see Karina.

After a few moments, the concert was finally starting as the crowd erupted in cheers. The girls slowly appeared on stage, ready to perform their first song.

The girls were gorgeous but one particular girl caught my eyes, she was completely different on stage, her stage presence, her visuals, her aura, I was stunned. Of course it's Karina, looking at her perform live and that close made my jaw drop.

As they were performing the second song, Karina suddenly made eye contact with me. I waved my light stick and smiled at her. She saw it and a smile formed on her face while performing. Right after that she won't stop looking at my direction winking and blowing kisses. The fans section at my area was wild from her actions.


The concert has ended after aespa performed their last song and bid farewell to the fans. I felt satisfied watching them and had no regrets.

That pricey premium seat was worth it after all.

Just as I stood up to head out of the venue, my phone rang making me look to see who it was. To my surprise, it was Karina, the girl who just finished her concert.

"Haloo" I picked up the call.

"Y/NN YOU CAMEEE!!" Karina squealed.

"Of course I did, you guys were amazing and you did so well!" I complimented her group.

"Hehehe thank you" She sounded shy when she said that.

"Is that your lover Jiminie?" I heard another voice from behind on the phone which I'm sure is not Karina.

"Invite him backstage unnie" Another voice appeared.

"Yahh stop it!!" Karina whined making me laugh at her.

"Can you hear them Y/N?" Karina asked me.

"Loud and clear hahaha. Is that your members?" I answered her as she sighed.

"Yeah... Do you want to come backstage though? They want to see you...." She asked nervously.

"Uhmm yeah sure, I'd like to meet your members" I don't know where I got that confidence from answering her just like that.

"Ok just stay at your spot, I'll tell manager oppa to come pick you up" She spoke out and ended the call.

After a few minutes, a guy came up to me saying that he's aespa's manager and told me to follow him. We got to know each other on the way backstage, he was pretty chill and friendly.

Then we arrived at aespa's waiting room, suddenly I was nervous to see them. I was literally ok a few minutes ago but the realisation started to kick in.

I stood frozen at the door and suddenly the door opened, revealing a very excited Karina. She pulled me inside where I saw her members.

"Y/N-ie! I never expected you to come at our concert!!" She hopped on her spot while holding my hand.

"I came to surprise you since you were too busy" I told her.

"Ehem" Just then a voice stopped our conversation.

"Oh sorry. Guys I would like you to meet Y/N. The guy taking care of Socks now" Karina introduced me to them.

"Hello, my name is Kim Y/N. It's nice to meet you guys" I bowed after introducing myself to them.

"Hii, I'm Winter, you can call me Minjeong" Winter said while smiling like a kid.

"I'm Giselle or you can call me Aeri, whichever suits you more haha. It's nice to finally meet you" Giselle followed up.

"Hello I'm Ningning, I've always wanted to meet you!" The maknae spoke out.

"I've always wanted to meet you guys too. I'm a big fan" I told them.

"Yah are you not a fan of me?" Karina butted in our conversation.

"Nope I'm tired of you already" I joked at her as she pouted at me.

"Hahaha I'm kidding" I patted her and she scrunched her nose at me.

We got to know each other more with our conversations which was mainly on teasing Karina. They even invited me to hangout at their dorm sometimes which I happily agreed on.

We literally talked and joked until it was time for the girls to go home. They offered me a ride home which I kindly refused to not cause any unwanted problems from the media. Karina being the stubborn girl she is, begged her manager for her to follow me back home. Their manager ended up allowing her as she was too persistent on it.

I bid farewell to the other girls and headed out with Karina, we took a taxi ride home.

"I miss Socks" Karina suddenly voiced out on our ride back home.

"She misses her mom too" I responded her and chuckled.

"I'm sorry for not being helpful in taking care of her" She suddenly apologized.

"Haish stop apologizing, I'm doing fine taking care of her. I have Mark and Minjun to rely on when I need one" I reassured her.

"But still" She continued and paused as she rested her head on my shoulder.

"I want to be with her all the time" She softly said. "With you" Her voice got more softer. My heart was beating so fast when she said that last part.

"It's ok, we'll wait for you" My hand instinctively hold her hand, intertwining it together. She wasn't resisting as she gripped it more harder.

"You know, this being a parent of Socks is kind of taking a huge toll on me" She said and faced me.

"Why so?" I asked her and a brief moment of silence came.

"It's making me fall for you more" She confessed and closen the distance between our face.

"I think I'm in love with Socks' dad" Karina said and immediately our lips touched each other, I felt her soft and sweets lips as we kept going deeper. It was a short and very loving kiss.

After a brief minute, we pulled apart from each other while still holding hands and she rested her head on my shoulders again.

"So what are we now?" She questioned as she played my hand with her thumb.

"Socks' mom and dad" I chuckled.

"I like that" She answered, smiling softly and snuggled closer to me.

The entire ride back home was quiet but it was comfortable and calming. We were appreciating each other's presence lovingly after the sudden confession.

Then we arrived at her apartment as we both got off the taxi after paying for his service.

"Bye Y/N, can't wait to see you and Socks again" She waved and walked to the building entrance.

"Bye Jiminie" I waved her back but then she stopped on her tracks making me puzzled.

She turned around and ran towards me as she hugged me tightly.

"I love you!" Her voice muffled as she snuggled her face on my chest making me chuckle at this cutie.

"I love you too" I hugged her back and squeezed her in my arms.

We then let go and she was blushing, walking towards the building entrance.

"B-bye Y/N, have a good night and sleep" She stuttered on her words.

"Byee Jagiya, don't forget to dream about me in your sleep" I teased her as she smiled and sticked her tongue out to me.

I watched her get in her building till she was no longer visible from my sight to head back home feeling very happy from today's events.

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