Chapter 4

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As I entered my apartment, I let down Socks gently on the living room for her to get used to the place as I prepared a place for her to sleep in my room.

For now I used a shoe box for her, placing some used newspaper in it. And for her litter box, well I should pray that isn't pissing everywhere around the apartment.

Just as I was about to head out, I heard my friend Mark shout making me rush out of my room.

"Y/N why is there a cat in our house?!?!" He asked in confusion.

"Long story short, I made a friend just now and she told me to take care of this cat for her" I explained briefly to him.

"Oooh so it's a she" He smirked at me.

"You wouldn't believe it if I told you" I chuckled at him as I carried Socks.

"Well at least I'm glad that you're finally doing something instead of being in your room 24/7" He joked and went to his room.

I texted Minjun who was still at work to buy some cat foods on the way home, explaining to him that I'm taking care of a kitten at the apartment which he kindly accepted. Minjun is kinda chill towards this kind of things. Mark on the other hand, he's the opposite of it.

Right after I finished texting Minjun, I received a text from an unknown number. I assume that it's Karina.


It's me Jiminie

Hello noona☺️

I told you not to call me that!
It makes me cringe


Btw how is Socks?
I miss her already

She's settling in
I prepared a box for her to sleep in but I think she prefers my bed more

Awwwww that's so cute
Btw I'm free tomorrow
So let's buy Socks' stuffs tomorrow!

Yeah sure

Giselle POV

Entering the living room after cleaning myself up, I realised Karina smiling while texting as I sneak up behind her to take a peek at her phone.

"Ohh so his name is Y/N" I spoke out making her jump from her spot.

"Aeri yahh, what're you doing?!?" Karina asked shockingly.

"Is that the same guy from the store?" I asked her and this time her ears started to get red.

"He's taking care of Socks now that's why I have to keep in touch" She was definitely flustered the way she was talking.

"That doesn't explain the love emoji beside his name" I smirked at her and she became speechless.

"What happened?" Winter joined us in the living room after hearing the noise from her room.

"Nothing!" Karina instantly voiced out and stared at me with puppy eyes, begging me to keep this to myself.

"Jiminie has as secret lover~" I couldn't keep it to myself with this excitement.

"Really?!?" Winter asked with a hand on her mouth. I could see Karina face palming herself

"Mind sharing to us how you guys meet?" I asked Karina trying to make her fall into my trap.

"Haishh...Socks got out of her box just now and wandered around until i found her with Y/N. He took care of her and I tried to thank him by treating him to a cup of coffee" Karina briefly explained.

"And then?" Winter asked, she was too interested in this.

"He accepted it, I mean after trying hard to convince him though. He also decided to bring Socks to his apartment nearby to give her a proper home. Overall he's a nice guy" Karina finished her explanation.

"So you're not denying that you like him" I teased her again.

"Yahh stop it" Karina said as her face gets more red.

"She's not denying it" Ningning suddenly spoke out from behind us, she heard the whole story.

"Whatever, I'm going to my room if you need me" Karina swiftly walked to her room, flustered.

"Hahahaha she's so cute when she gets flustered" I laughed after she had entered her room.

"What was his name again unnie? I didn't manage to catch his name just now" Ningning asked while sitting down next to me.

"Y/N" I answered her.

"It's the same guy from the store yesterday right?" Ningning asked again as I nodded at her.

'Who is this mysterious guy that managed to steal our leader's heart. Only time could tell' I thought to myself feeling curious about this Y/N guy.


As Minjun arrived home, I immediately gave Socks some more nutritious foods for her and she absolutely loved it. Minjun was also excited that we have a new member in the house as he bought various types of cat foods and snacks.

We played with her and took lots of pictures which I end up sending it to Karina. She loved it and said that she felt like a proud mom, making me smile at her statement.

When it was already bedtime, we all headed back to our room. I placed Socks in her box but she jumped out immediately and went to my bed as I sighed in defeat.

"Just don't pee on me while I'm asleep ok?" I told the clueless cat hoping she'll understand. Socks layed down beside me as she understands that it's already bedtime.

"Goodnight Socks, we'll be seeing your mom tomorrow" I chuckled and head to sleep.

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