Chapter 5

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The next morning came and I was greeted by Socks licking and meowing at my face. I sat up and petted her, greeting her good morning.

"Good morning Socks *yawn*" I stroked her body with my eyes half open.

"I'm gonna go shower, you can go play in the living room" I opened my door room where Minjun and Mark was.

"Socks!! Hello cutie" Minjun excitedly approached Socks.

"I'm going to go take a shower, can you please feed her" I asked him and he replied with a nod as he played with Socks. Good thing it was the weekend so my friends can take care of Socks when I go buy some cat stuffs with Karina later.

After finishing shower, I joined them in the living room to make some light breakfast for myself.

Karina informed that we'll be going around lunchtime so we can have lunch together first and then find some stuffs for Socks afterwards.

Just as the clock hits 12, I received a phone call from Karina.

"Hello" I picked up the call.

"Hii Y/N!! Are you ready?" Karina's voice appeared.

"Yeap, I'm currently going down the stairs right now"

"Alrighty I'll wait for you at my building entrance" She said.

"Ok" I replied and ended the call.

I made my way to her building and saw her looking beautiful and gorgeous as ever. I was stunned by her beauty.

"Oi what are you staring at?" She asked me.

"N-nothing, you just look so beautiful" I truthfully answered her feeling flustered.

"Oh t-thank you..." She slightly blushed.

"You look handsome too" Karina this time complimented me and I thanked her too.

"Let's get going! I'm starving already" She grabbed my arm and lead the way.


We arrived at the cat shop after having lunch together just now. We wandered around the store taking almost everything for Socks.

"Ooh what about that" Karina pointed to a transparent backpack used for carrying cats.

"We can use that if we're taking a walk with her" She excitedly explained as she faced towards me. I was happy after hearing that from her, she wants to take a walk with me and Socks.

"Yeah that does look useful" I responded her.

"Yayy" She took the backpack and placed it into our almost-full cart.

We had almost everything, litterbox, bed, toys, snacks, collar, you name it. We took everything that a person needs to take care of a cat at home.

After we had finished, we went to the counter to pay for the stuffs. The staff was shocked when she saw the amount of things we took.

"That'll be $364.20" The cashier said and both me and Karina had our cards out to pay for it.

"I'll pay for it" Karina said smiling at me.

"Nonono let me pay" I denied her and showed the cashier my card but Karina didn't want to lose.

"Nooooo use mine please" Karina whined and pulled my hand. Making the cashier laugh.

"How about this" I calmed her down.

"We'll let the cashier choose" I suggested to her but she gave me a doubtful look.

"Finee. Please pick mine" Karina told the cashier kindly.

We then placed both our cards on the counter for the cashier to choose. I gave the cashier a begging look for her too choose my card. Luckily the cashier chose my card making me cheer on her decision. Karina looked sad and I patted her head.

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