Chapter 15

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I immediately tried to find manager hyung after the incident. Then I saw him talking on the phone so I had to wait for him to finish it to be able to talk to him.

After a few minutes of watching him stressing out, he finally ended the call as he massaged his head.

"You ok hyung?" I asked, making him surprised from my sudden presence.

"Y/N! Were you there the whole time?" He asked me back as I nodded.

"Did you hear my conversation?" He asked again but this time calmer.

"Nope, made sure to distance myself to not butt in people's business" I chuckled as he smiled back at me.

"By the way hyung, someone managed to break in backstage just now. He almost got Karina" I told him as he looked shocked.

"How? Is the security even doing their job?!"

"I don't know how but next time I'm gonna make sure the place is safe before the girls get here" I told him.

"Yeah, i'd give you a hand if I'm free. Thank you Y/N. Your contribution to the team has been tremendous" He patted my shoulder and went on his way.

After the very brief talk, I made my way backstage to monitor the girl's soundcheck before their concert.


The girls were finally done with their last concert at Tokyo as we had our flight back home tomorrow early in the morning. We celebrated the successful event by having a team dinner with the entire dance unit and staffs.

After filling our tummies with the best foods, everyone went on their own ways making full use of their last day in Tokyo. The aespa girls wanted to go shopping so I had to accompany them throughout the whole evening.

While the girls were busy browsing through the stores, I took the chance to call my roommates one more time to ask about Socks.

"Hello Y/N-ie" Mark answered my call in a happy tone.

"You sound happy. Did you guys manage to find Socks? Please pleasee say yes" I pleaded him cause I didn't want to disappoint my dear girlfriend.

"Of course we did!" Mark answered again in an excited tone.

"We found her at Karina's dorm building just under their staircase" Minjun continued calmly compared to Mark.

"Ahh thank god. She must've missed Karina so much" I said in relief.

"Yup don't worry about her Y/N. We'll make sure to take care of her until you come back home so go enjoy your so-called vacation" Minjun reassured me.

"Thank you very much guys. I'll be going now bye take care" I ended the call.

After the call I can finally enjoy the rest of the day without thinking much about the problem.

"Jagiya! What are you doing there? Come and join us! We should buy matching outfits" Karina called me from afar as I walked to her with light steps.

After the tiring shopping experience with the girls, we finally headed back to the hotel. I accompanied the other girls to their hotel rooms before heading to mine.

When I entered my room with Karina, she immediately pulled me for a hot kiss. I didn't expect it and was surprised when she pulled me but I eventually accepted it.

"I just want you to know how grateful I am for meeting you in the first place and I am so happy that I can call you mine everyday" She said after pulling apart from the kiss while still clinging onto me.

"Me too. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me" I replied to her and kissed her forehead.

The next thing we knew, we were already in bed after the tiring day, while playing with our phones.

Out of boredom, Karina did a live broadcast and I made sure to distance myself so that the fans don't notice that I'm in the same room as hers.

Suddenly out of nowhere, Yunjin texted me.


Hii Y/N!
Just wanted to make sure that you're coming back to Korea tomorrow right?
Let's have dinner together! My treat😊

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