Part 20

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The picture of Y/N and Karina was everywhere on social media, news and articles. There were mixed reactions from the fans but the company for sure didn't like it. Y/N's job was on the line.

Karina POV

It has been days since I saw Y/N after the incident. It has been hard to do my job not being able to see my Y/N. It has affected my performance.

From what our manager said, Y/N was suspended for a few days but I don't even see him coming in and out of his apartment which made me worried. I eventually asked his sister about him which I fortunately have her number during our visit last time.

"Unnie....." I texted her.

"Oh Jiminie hi, I know this must be hard for you.." She replied.

"It is unnie. I miss him" I honestly told her.

"Do you somehow still keep in touch with him?" His sister asked me.

"Noo his phone is not receiving my texts" I whined to her.

"I see..... the company actually suspended him from working with you and asked him find a new place to live in in order to continue working at the company" She explained to me, this was the first time I heard about this. Manager oppa told me nothing about Y/N.

"Wait really?!? Where is he now?" I worriedly asked.

"I don't know now but I do know that he's going to live at our parents house. Don't worry Jiminie, he's trying to find ways to fix this" His sister reassured me.

"Thank you unnie. At least I know he's doing fine now"

"No problem, stay strong for him ok Jiminie"


After texting her, I actually felt relieved that he was doing fine but the worry was still there thinking how our relationship is going to be now.

Suddenly our dorm room opened revealing our manager.

"Hello" he entered making me confused. He never does this cause only Y/N was allowed to do this kind of things.

"Hello? What are you doing here?" I asked him nervously.

"Oh nothing... I'm just trying to do what Y/N usually does. Soo what does he do?" He awkwardly asked back.

"Uhh he's my boyfriend so we spend time together" I told him as he nodded while scanning the place.

Then Giselle came out of her room and was surprised to see our manager.

"Oh oppa hi, what are you doing here?" She asked him the same question.

"Just checking you guys out. And to make sure that Y/N is not here" He answered her but his last sentence made me mad.

"What do you mean make sure Y/N is not here?!?" I slightly raised my voice.

"Hey chill out, I have to make sure there's no intruder here and besides, he was just taking advantage of you guys" He answered in an ugly tone.

"NO HES NOT!" I shouted at him making Winter and Ningning come out of their room.

"He's the most sweetest guy I have known and he would never take advantage of people!" I protested against him.

"Whatever you say" He rolled his eyes. "Good thing the picture I took came out well" He said making me confused.

"Wait? What picture?"

"Oh you know" He smirked.

"IT WAS YOU?!?" I felt betrayed. "But why, I thought you were friends" Tears started coming out my eyes.

"Nahh I never thought of him that way. I just figured that he was easy to order around thats why I asked to hire him" He scoffed and my members were also shocked by our manager's true colours.

"How dare you! I'm reporting all this to the CEO" Giselle said to him while comforting me.

"You could try. Boys!" He chuckled and then 2 big buffed men came in our dorm making us shout. "Shut them up and make sure to tie them up well" He ordered the two guys.

We were panicking upon the sudden change of our manager who has been with us for so long.
Winter and Ningning managed to flee to their room and locked it while all this happened but me and Giselle were easily out powered by the man as we were tied and taped our mouths.


I was busy packing my things at my apartment with my friends, they were sad to see me leave but I had no choice in order to see my girlfriend again.

Suddenly my phone rang, it was Winter calling me. I had the urge to deny the call but my guts told me to pick up the call as I eventually picked up the call.

"Hel—" My word got cut off .

"Y/N WE NEED YOUR HELP!" Winter shouted. "Our manager turns out to be a bad guy and he brought guys to come and capture us. Giselle unnie and Karina unnie is outside with them right now" Winter cried out, desperate for help as that instantly switched me up knowing that Karina and aespa is in danger.

I immediately ran out of my apartment after telling both my roommates to call the police. Minjun followed me to the girl's dorm after seeing me instantly run.

As I got out of the apartment I saw a mysterious black van parked outside of the girl's building and I knew something was going on.

I didn't even bother using the elevator as I ran up the stairs to their floor.

I barged in their dorm and saw all 4 members all tied up with their mouth shut by tapes.

"YAHH WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING" I shouted to that someone who I once called hyung.

"Wow Y/N, how did you get here so fast" He laughed like a maniac.

"You better let them go you psychopath!" I spoke out as he just laughed again.

"Shut up Y/N! You won't be able to do anything with this pointed at you huh" He said while pulling out a gun and pointed it towards me. The girls tried their best to voice out something but to no avail nothing with the tape on them.

I was helpless at that moment and could do nothing. I had to watch them drag the girls out of the place while stuck on my feet at one spot.

"But why hyung" I asked him.

"Let's just say I received a handsome offer from someone" He grinned while still pointing the gun at me.

"Good boy. Now just stay there!" He said after stepping towards the door and pulled the trigger on me which hit me on my left shoulder. The girls were crying watching me drop down to the floor with blood coming out.

While bearing the pain I watched them disappear from my sight as they exited the building. Then Minjun and Mark arrived on the scene as they both were trying their best to treat my wound.

"I have to go. The girls are in danger" I tried to stand up as Minjun was busy wrapping my shoulder with a bandage.

"No no you're hurt Y/N" Minjun said.

"We have to wait for the police" Mark continued in a worried tone.

"It will take too long for the police to come here and find them" I still stood up after losing a few bloods.

"Don't worry, I placed my phone in their trunk while you were busy buying time with them here" Minjun told me. As expected Minjun is quick in these kind of matters.

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