Part 18

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After a few months of working under SM, I was invited to a reality show where the realistic daily lives of celebrities are revealed through their managers. Show hosts and guest audiences gather together to observe and comment on the recorded lives of these superstars.

There were cameras following me and aespa everywhere we go for the show for a period of time. They also installed cameras on the girl's dorm.


"Hello everyone my name is Y/N and I'm the manager of a chaotic group called aespa" Y/N told the interviewer as the camera was pointed to him.

"Do you mind sharing a little bit about yourself Y/N?" The interviewer asked him as he nodded nervously.

"Uhm I'm 21 years old and......" He stopped and tried to think of things to share. "I have a cat and I live just a couple of blocks from aespa's dorm" He chuckled.

"Oh he seems nervous" The cast of the show said making everyone laugh.

"Hahahah he looks cute when he's nervous" Karina laughed.

Then, a footage was shown. It was a video of Y/N entering aespa's dorm to wake them up.

"Oh does he normally enter your dorm like this?" The show cast asked Karina and Winter.

"Yes, he often comes early to make breakfast for us in our free days" Winter proudly told them as the casts were surprised by it.

"Doesn't that make you feel uncomfortable knowing that he can enter your dorm freely?" They asked.

"Actually no. We trust him and he's a sweet and caring person that knows how to respect someone's privacy and boundaries" Karina replied cooly.

Then the footage was continued, showing Y/N making breakfast for the girls.

Y/N was in his own world cooking as Karina got out of her room and went to the kitchen still half asleep.

"Good morning" Karina said in a hoarse voice as she approached Y/N.

"Morning" Y/N replied.

"What are you making?" Karina asked while pouring a glass of water.

"Fried rice and seaweed soup" Y/N casually answered.

"Wow I guess you really are comfortable with him! You're even still in your pyjamas" The cast of the show said making Karina embarrassed as she covered her face.

As the video went on, Karina stood beside the cooking Y/N and stared at his work silently. Normally when there are no cameras Karina would hug Y/N and talk sweet with him. They had to hide it for the show.

The more she stood beside Y/N, the more weird Y/N felt as they faced each other for a moment and laughed immediately.

"Wait. Why are you guys laughing?" The cast said after the sudden laugh.

"Did Y/N did something wrong?" Another cast asked.

"No no hahaha. It's just an inside joke" Karina and Winter laughed.

"What is it?" They asked.

"I'm afraid we can't tell you that for the sake of our manager's reputation" Winter answered as they all laughed and suddenly the screen showed Y/N's face blushing during the interview.

Then the screen went back to aespa's dorm showing them all enjoying their breakfast with genuine reactions of the delicious food.

Karina and Winter proudly shared to the casts that Y/N is a very good cook making them all react.

Soon the show started to show the girl's daily lives and in-schedule scenes as the show went on.

As the show was coming to an end, the casts were in love with Y/N's personality and performance as aespa's manager, saying that he's a great manager as Karina and Winter nodded in agreement. They also pointed out Y/N'a chemistry with the girls, they said it was like an interaction between a loving father and an energetic daughter even though the age gap is not that far.

The show left fans satisfied knowing that aespa is in good hands, Y/N also garnered a handful of fans after the show's broadcast.

Karina POV

We watched the show after it was broadcasted on the TV with the other members and also Y/N.

It was funny trying to act natural with all those cameras following us. What made it hard was trying to hide my relationship with Y/N, I had to treat him like a normal manager"

"You're so awkward in that interview Y/N" Giselle laughed out loud.

"Hey it's not like I'm trained for this kind of things" Y/N reasoned to her.

"Hahahahah it's funnier that your interaction with Karina unnie is so much different in the show" Ningning continued.

"Hey it's hard for me too you know" I smacked and responded to her.

"Haish why did I agree to this show" Y/N face palmed himself making us all laugh. Initially manager oppa was picked for the show but I wanted Y/N to be in it instead so that the fans can see his true colours.

"It's ok Y/N, at least you have gained fans after the show" Winter comforted the miserable Y/N.

"The fans even made memes with your reactions" Ningning who was browsing on her private social media account and showed it to everyone as we all laughed.

"Ok ok that's enough for today. I'm heading home" Y/N sulked by the constant teasing. "Come here Socks" he picked up Socks and put her in the cat carrier.

"Hehehe don't be mad oppa~" Winter cutely told Y/N.

"I'm not, it was a good experience" Y/N chuckled and bid farewell to the girls as I walked him out.

"Baiii Y/N" "BYE OPPAAAA" "Bye Y/N" my members spoke out to Y/N.

"Any plans tomorrow?" I asked him as soon as we stepped out.

"Hmmm oh I'm planning to go visit my parents. Do you want to join?" He asked me and the thought of him inviting to see his parents made me excited and proud. I finally get to be introduced to his parents.

"Sure! I'm looking forward to see them!" I exclaimed in excitement making Y/N smile wide.

"Great I'll come pick you up tomorrow then" He hugged me after. "Bye, I love you" He gave me a peck on the lips.

"I love you moreee. Bye Socks, mommy will see you tomorrow" I waved goodbye to Socks as Y/N went back home.

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