Chapter 3

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"Uhmm hello? Are you there?" I waved my hand trying to gain her attention.

"Karina!" She said out of nowhere as she extended her arms for a handshake making me show her a confused face.

"Oh sorry. My name's Karina or you can call me Jimin" She said once again.

"Wait wait like aespa Karina?!?!" I asked shocked from the sudden introduction. She replied by nodding cutely.

"Y-Y/N, Kim Y/N" I stuttered and shook her hand.

"I couldn't recognise you with that mask you're wearing" I said to her and she laughed.

"I should thank you for taking care of Socks. I should treat you to a cup of coffee" She offered me.

"It-it's ok you don't have to" I tried to kindly reject her cause I know I'll be a blushing mess if I'm with her.

"Nonono I insist" She continued leaving me with no choice.

"Ok then"

"But first let's send Socks home" She spoke in a cute tone and walked away.

I was frozen at the spot not knowing what to do, she was almost far ahead but then stopped.

"You coming?" She turned to me.

"O-oh yeah" I immediately jogged to her and walked side by side with her.

"So why did you name her socks?" I asked her trying to not look awkward.

"Look" She showed me the cat's paws.

"She's wearing socks" Karina said and now I realised. The cat has a black fur but her paws are white.

"Ahhhh I see it now" I laughed.

Not long after we arrived at an apartment which was basically two blocks from mine.

"I can't bring her to the dorm due to some rules thats why she lives under these staircase. She's just a stray cat after all" Karina said as she placed the kitten in her box under the staircase.

"But you still take care of her"

"She was starving when I found her near the street, I love cats too much to let it starve. She was all alone without her mother and knowing that I can't take care of her all time makes me sad" She spoke as her voice got softer.

"She can stay at my apartment if you want, I'll take care of her" I suggested to her knowing that maybe this is my chance to raise a cat.

"You'd do that?" She asked me as she placed her hand on her mouth looking shocked.

"Yeah and besides, my apartment is just nearby" I pointed to my building.

"That'll be great!! I can come visit her that way!" Karina excitedly said.

"Let's do that later. I still owe you that cup of coffee" She followed up and lead the way.

"Alrighty, bye Socks. See you later" I let my cat-loving side show making Karina giggle.

After a short walk, we arrived at a café and ordered coffee which Karina payed as promised.

We got to know each other more and she shared about her idol life. We found out that Karina was one year older than me but she didn't want me to call her noona, she feels weird about it. I told her about the place I grew up in which was New York, she was fascinated by it as our talks went deeper and longer.

I find her talkative trait attractive as I listened to her talking and ranting about her favourite movie.

A few hours had passed and we decided to call it a day as we both head home.

"Oh yeah here" Karina showed me her phone out of nowhere.

"Your phone number" She continued.

"Never knew that an idol would want my phone number" I chuckled to her and pressed in my number on her phone, leaving the contact name empty for her to fill it herself.

"There you go" I passed back her phone.

"This idol is also a human you know hahaha" She responded.

Then we arrived back at her apartment as I took Socks from under the staircase to bring her back home.

"I guess I'm gonna be a cat dad from now on" I joked as I carried Socks.

"Then that makes me the mom!" Karina excitedly said while smiling lovingly. Just the thought of us being a parent together made me feel hot and flustered. Her straightforwardness amazes me sometimes.

"I'm going to need some cat stuffs for her at home" I tried to change the topic to avoid the awkward tension.

"Ooooh let's buy it together next time!" Karina squealed in excitement hopping like a bunny.

"Sounds like a good idea" I smiled knowing that she wants to do it together.

"Great! I'll text you when I'm free" She voiced out.

Then out of nowhere, Karina's phone started ringing as someone called her.

"I guess I have to go now. Byeee Socks, your dad will take care of you from now on ok?" Karina approached me to talk and pet Socks making me smile like a fool at her cute interaction.

"Bye Y/N-ie, it was fun hanging out with you" She then waved at me as she entered her building.

"Byee Jiminie, it was nice meeting you. Say bye to mommy Socks" I waved her goodbye with Socks' paw making Karina giggle at it and waved back.

I walked back home with light steps feeling satisfied from today's events. Never knew that I would be friends with a K-pop idol.

I could say that today was the happiest day of my life thanks to Socks. If not for this cat, I wouldn't get to meet Karina.

"Thank you Socks for making me happy today. I'll take care of you with my entire heart" I thanked Socks while walking towards my apartment.

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