Chapter 11

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The next day came and I made sure to give Karina a call before her flight as it ended up with the others joining our sweet session.

Right after we ended the call, I received a text from their manager making me confused.

He said that he managed to convince the CEO to recruit me and I was flabbergasted. He also nonchalantly told me to pack up for my flight to join them tomorrow. I was overwhelmed by him and told him to slow down as he just laughed and sent me a contract for me to sign to be officially accepted as aespa's co-manager.

"Don't tell the girls though. I want to surprise them" His text stated after as I just accepted his idea.

I was excited at the fact that I finally have a job and as a bonus, I also get to see my girlfriend all the time. I immediately packed my stuffs and told my housemates the good news.

While I was packing, my phone notification sounded as I went to check on it. Yunjin texted me.

Hey Y/N
It's me Yunjin🤗

What's up?

I was wondering if you're free tomorrow
You know
Maybe we could hangout

I would love to!
But unfortunately I'm going to Tokyo tomorrow

Ahh i see
It's alright

I'm so sorry Jen
How bout later?
Are you available?

I can't😔
We have a schedule later

That sucks
I promise you we can hangout when I come back from Tokyo

You better keep your promise Y/N

Hahaha of course
I always keep my promise

What're you even doing in Tokyo anyway

I guess I can tell you
I'm working under SM now
As aespa's co-manager to be specific

Wow I'm so happy for you!
They're so lucky to have you

Thank you Yunjinie
Hahaha it should be the other way around

Whatever you say🙄
I have to go now
Bye Y/N-ie

Hahaha Alright
Bye Jen

I continued packing after texting with Yunjin and I also made sure to tell my housemates to make sure that Socks is well fed and taken care of when I'm gone.


The next day came and here I am waiting to board my plane. The aespa girls had no idea about me joining them. Karina kept calling me, telling me how nervous and anxious she is, it was a big moment for their group performing at the Tokyo Dome and she didn't want to mess it up. It was hard trying to calm and comfort her from the phone and I wanted to make sure that the surprise works out.

I made sure to inform their manager that I was boarding the plane and he told me to inform him immediately when I arrive at my destination already which somehow made me nervous for some reason.


The long flight definitely made me drowsy, I almost forgot to tell manager hyung that I had already arrived. He immediately replied my text and gave me a hotel address for me to stay at. Later he shared to me his mischievous plan to surprise the aespa girls.

Karina POV

We had already finished practice for the biggest concert our group had yet, I was nervous and anxious for the big day.

I arrived at my hotel room and immediately pulled out my phone to share about my day to the love of my life and also mainly because I missed him.

It was weird, Y/N usually picks up the phone whenever I called him but this time he didn't. His phone kept on ringing but there was no answers from him.

My mood drastically changed when I couldn't contact him, it made me feel so down. I just left him a text telling him to call me when he's available. I had thousands of question going through my head.

I shrugged off the thoughts and just assumed that he was busy but that didn't stop me from feeling empty and sad about it. So I just went to bed immediately trying to save some energy for our concert tomorrow hoping that maybe he'll contact me before the concert.


The day passed by very slow without Y/N texting or calling me. I already missed his sweet voice and the way he comforted me whenever I felt nervous. He still haven't contacted me and that somehow made me more nervous for the concert.

Hour's passed by and finally our concert was starting and here we are standing by near the stage to start performing, I had to focus up but my mind was fully occupied by Y/N, wondering how he's doing right now.

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