Chapter 8

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Karina POV

Upon entering the dorm, the other members were chilling in the living room after the tiring and fun concert. I joined them while smiling like a fool with a red face.

"Someone's happy" Ningning laughed after looking at my face.

"Did something happen?" Giselle asked, smirking.

I couldn't hold in my excitement and decided to just tell them.

"We kissed" I told them while covering my face with both my hands.

The members all gasped at the same time and squealed. I was a blushing mess at the moment.

"Tell me the full details now!!" Winter exclaimed in excitement as we all laughed.

I told them the full story starting from our taxi ride till we reach home. The girls were in awe.

"You guys are so cuteee!" Giselle squealed.

"Daebakk" Ningning exclaimed while clapping in tiny.

"Haish when will I get my own Y/N" Winter sighed making us all laugh.

"Okok that's enough. We have another schedule to attend tomorrow, get some rest" I tried to get them to sleep so I can call Y/N. Luckily they obeyed my orders and went to their rooms one by one.

I sprinted to my room and closed the doors gently to hide my excitement as I went ahead to pull out my phone.

I dialed in Y/N's number and layed down in bed, waiting for him to pick up the call.

"Hello?" Y/N's voice appeared.

"Jagiyaa~" I called out to him.

"What is it? Why are still awake? You got schedules tomorrow right" He responded like a responsible husband.

"Whaaatt. I just miss you so much already" I whined to him as he laughed.

"Aigoo what a baby~" He teased me.


Just then I heard a meow from Y/N's room making me jolt from my bed.

"Is that Socks?!?! Where is she, mommy misses her soo muchh" I spoke out after hearing the meow.

"Oh wait for a moment" Y/N disappeared for a moment and then switched the voice call to a video call, revealing him holding Socks in his hands.

"Hiii babyy, did you miss me?" I spoke to Socks as she approached Y/N's phone and began meowing more vigorously.

"I guess she does miss you too" Y/N chuckled as Socks began to consume more of the screen, blocking me from seeing Y/N.

"Awww I miss you too baby, I promise you we'll see more often when my schedule is clear ok?" I made a promise to the kitten as Y/N laughed.

"You heard her Socks, can you move now. It's dad's turn to talk to mommy" He said and took Socks into his arms.

"Hehehe you're kinda greedy" I giggled a bit.

"Says the girl that calls me cause she misses me after literally seeing each other an hour ago" He rolled his eyes and we both laughed.

"Jagiya" I called him as he hummed in response while playing with Socks.

"Do you want to come join us tomorrow for our schedule?" I boldly invited him not thinking of the consequences.

"Uhm are you sure about that?" He questioned.

"You can stay by manager oppa's side acting like part of our staff" I pulled out an idea on how to bring him. I was getting too needy at this point, I want to be with him all the time.

"Did you even discuss this with your manager already?" He gave me a look that made me feel something deep within.

"U-uh n-not exactly but I can ask him t-tomorrow" I was suddenly stuttering after he gave me that look.

"Well if he's ok with it then I'm down" He smiled afterwards.

"*Yawn* great, I'll call you tomorrow then" I yawned, almost mumbling my words.

"Go sleep Jimin ah, that concert just now must be tiring you" He chuckled.

"No I'm fine, I want to talk more with you" I responded trying to gain every single energy in my body. I was laying down on my bed already, barely holding onto my phone as I rested it on my pillow to hold it still.

"Hahaha you're so cute" He said making me smile. I receive compliments most of the time but somehow his compliments hit me more harder.


Karina asked about my family back in the US so I told her the little details like the fact that my mom is Korean while my dad is American. Deep into the story I realised she had already slept making me chuckle at this baby.

As I scanned through her facial features, her perfectly shaped lips, her beautiful face scrunching up a few times in her sleep. I am so lucky to end up with her, from the moment our eyes met at that surprise fan meet.

"Good night Jiminie, I love you.." I softly spoke to the sleeping beauty and ended the call.


The next day, Karina ended up begging their manager to bring along Y/N to their music show recording. Their manager accepted her request casually as he also finds Y/N friendly and professional when it comes to meeting idols.

Here I am in their van, jamming along to some songs that they had played. I sat in between Karina and Ningning at the back. Karina being the clingy girl she is kept flirting and teasing me while Ningning on the other hand, showed me memes that she found funny which is almost everything from her phone.

I won't say I don't like it but it hards trying to please both of them at the same time. Nevertheless, it was fun being with them.

After a long ride, we finally reached the destination as we entered the building to head to aespa's waiting room.

When we were walking towards the waiting room, I heard someone call my name from behind.

"Y/N?" The shy voice hesitated. I turned around to see who it was and to my surprise it was my former classmate from New York.

"Jennifer?!?!" I exclaimed upon seeing her as her signature smile formed on her face.

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