Chapter 12

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As aespa's concert was starting, here I am seating in the crowd of fans. Manager hyung gave me a seat for me to watch the concert, he told me to come visit them backstage when the concert ends to surprise them. I just obliged him and proceeded with the plan but somehow the idea of ignoring Karina before her big day made me feel bad for her, I couldn't comfort and give her any words of encouragement.

Suddenly the crowd erupted in cheers as the concert was starting and I just had to go on with the plan.

As the concert went on, the girls as usual did a very good job but I noticed how different Karina looked. Of course she still performed well but I can tell that she was sad, particularly when they were performing their song 'Unhappy', she was so immersed in the song to the point that I could tell that she was holding in her tears.

I couldn't stand watching her like that and took the opportunity to visit her backstage when it was Winter's solo part.

I made sure to show the security my staff card for them to give me access.

I arrived backstage seeing Karina being comforted by Giselle and Ningning.

"Don't cry unnie, we could try contacting him after the concert" I heard Ningning said to Karina as she patted her back. I also heard sniffling sounds, I assume it was Karina's.

I approached them slowly, Giselle and Ningning was surprised to see me but they backed away from Karina for me to comfort her. Karina couldn't see the situation as she was holding her face with both her hands trying to hold in her tears.

"It's ok, I'm here now" I spoke softly as I hugged her which made her flinch for a moment.

She gave my face a look before she started to cry like a baby.

"YAHHH pabo why are you heree" She cried out and then accepted my hug as she gripped me tighter.

"You made me worried about you" She whined.

"Sorry, I was just trying to surprise you. I knew this would happen" I told her as I patted her back making her cry more.

"There there stop crying now, let me see that beautiful face of yours" I said to Karina who was crying at my neck. She slowly raised her head, facing me her make up was ruined by her tears making me chuckle but she was still breathtaking.

"The make-up artist is gonna have a hard time fixing your make up" I joked to her as a smile slowly formed on her face.

"Now that's the smile I want to see" I said making her laugh softly.

"You're an idiot you know" Karina joked and chuckled.

"For you" I replied to her instantly and she suddenly pulled me in for a kiss. It was a very passionate kiss as she wrapped her hand around my neck.

"Uhmm sorry for ruining the moment but we still have a concert to finish" Giselle's voice appeared from the back, making us stop kissing as Karina rested her forehead on mine.

"I have to go now" Karina voiced out after and then stood up to go fix her makeup and continue the concert.

"You have a lot of explaining to do later" She followed up as she walked further.

"I love you too" I chuckled from her remark making her smile.

"I love you more!!" She shouted as she was getting further away to the makeup room.

"I guess she's in a good mood now" Ningning spoke out after watching Karina exiting the room.

"By the way what are you really doing here?" Giselle asked me.

"Hahaha I'll explain it to you guys later. Now go get ready, Winter's part is almost done" I excused myself making the girls sigh.

"Okok see you later then Y/N" Giselle sighed in defeat.

"Bye oppa, see you later" Ningning waved to me as she dragged Giselle out.

Right after the sudden change of plans, I went to the monitoring room to meet manager hyung. Safe to say he was relieved that I managed to comfort Karina before she head out once again because right now we can finally see the true Karina enjoying herself on stage for the fans.


The first day of the concert was a success as the girls did a very great job performing flawlessly leaving the fans fully satisfied from the sets of performance by them.

I met the girls at their waiting room to explain to them about what happened and shared to them the good news of me being their new manager. They were so happy to the point that they group hugged me immediately.

"I missed you so much" Karina was the last one to let go of the hug.

"I missed you too, and I'm sorry for everything" I told her as she shook her head.

"It's ok, what matters is that you are here now" Karina smiled and then let go of the hug as she grabbed my hand, intertwining it with hers.

"Let's head back to the hotel, I'm so tired" She continued and I nodded at this cutie.

When we arrived at the hotel, Karina changed into her pyjamas and went to my room to sleep with me.

"You are so clingy you know" I teased her as she scrunched up her nose.

"It's because of you" She said and cuddled up to me in bed as I chuckled.

"This is actually our first time sleeping together" She smirked while biting her lips like a stupid cheese cat.

"Yah no dirty thoughts" I scolded her as she giggled.

"Goodnight baby" Karina spoke out and then closed her eyes.

"Goodnight my love" I responded while caressing her hair, watching her go to sleep.

I'll officially start working the next day with manager hyung and that somehow made me nervous. After a few minutes of thinking about it, I finally went to sleep, joining the sleeping beauty beside me.

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