Chapter 9

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"Y/N?" The shy voice hesitated.

Turning around, I was surprised to see my former classmate, Huh Yunjin.

"Jennifer?!?!" I exclaimed upon seeing her as her signature smile formed on her face.

"OMG! It really is you!!" She said in english as she lunged to me for a hug.

"I'm surprise you still remember me" I laughed after we pulled apart from the hug.

"Of course I'd still remember you dummy! I'm your best friend!" Yunjin exclaimed as she smirked.

"Yeah" I chuckled.

"But we lost contact of each other when you were a trainee" I started to remember the old days.

"Yeah... Sorry. It was out of my power" She apologized to me due to her contract not allowing them.

"But it's ok, You're an idol now!" I suddenly exclaimed as we laughed.

"By the way what are you doing here" She asked me. We were conversing in english the entire time.

"Oh I'm here with them" I answered her and turned behind to look at aespa but they were missing as I glance around trying to find them.

"Wait where'd they go" I was dumbstruck as the aespa girls were missing.

"Don't tell me you snuck in here Y/N" Yunjin joked as she gasped.

"No no I swear. I came here with aespa" I told her as she laughed.

"You're funny Y/N. Be honest now, you work here right" She continued with a grin on her face.

"Wha- no. I already told you I cam—" Just then a voice appeared on my back.

"Oh there you are Jagiya" Karina said as I turned around. She made eye contact with Yunjin.

"Yunjin-ie! Hiii" Karina waved cutely while greeting Yunjin.

"Jagiya?!?!" Yunjin gasped hearing that word from Karina.

"See told you I came here with them" I proudly said to Yunjin.

"You guys know each other?" Karina stood beside me and asked as she hugged my arm.

"Mhmm we were classmates back in New York" I told Karina as she nodded.

"Are you guys dating?" Yunjin tried to remain calm asking that.

"Yeap!" Karina proudly answered her while grabbing my arm.

Yunjin POV

"Ahh I see...." I nodded and then a brief moment of silence came.

Knowing that Y/N is dating someone made my heart crumble, we were best friends and I had a crush on him ever since. I guess it's my fault for not making the first move before moving to Korea. I still remember his sad face when I told him that I was going to pursue my career in Korea, he tried to hide it but I know him too well that it shows how he was holding it in.

We lost contact of each other when I signed the contract to be a trainee. Seeing him now out of all places and with someone else, it hurts.

"I have to go now. I think my members are waiting for me" I tried to escape the awkward situation.

"Wait!" Y/N stopped me in my tracks as he approached me.

"Let's exchange numbers, we should meet up sometimes. We have a lot of catching up to do" He chuckled as he casually said that. I guess he doesn't feel the same way as me. I tried to refuse him but that would've rude of me to push an old dear friend of mine.

"Sure" I gave him a forced smile and took out my phone as we exchanged numbers.

"Thank you Jennifer!" He thanked me and gave me a hug. It was a heartwarming hug as I hugged him back, gripping onto him tighter. I totally missed this feeling, the feeling of being comfortable with someone I adore.

Tears were slowly forming on my eyes. Y/N noticed it after we broke the hug.

"Oh no why are you crying? Did I do something wrong?" He panicked.

"It's nothing. I just missed you so much Y/N-ie" I gave him another forced smile as I wiped my eyes with my sleeves.

"I've missed you too. Those few years without contacting each other, you disappeared out of nowhere. But after seeing you appear on TV, it made me proud that you managed to reach your goal. And I'm still proud of you" Y/N suddenly confessed making my heart ache more, regrets started to fill my head. I should've fought for him harder.

"Jagiya, we have to go. Manager oppa is calling us" Karina suddenly called out to Y/N.

"It's nice to see you again Yunjin" Y/N smiled at me as I gave him one too.

"Are we still best friends?" He asked nervously making me chuckle.

"Of course. Of course we are" I gave him one last reassuring smile. From that moment on I knew that being friends was the only option for me with Y/N.

"Great! Well I have to go now" He stepped back to join Karina. "Looking forward to see you again. Byee!" He waved goodbye and jogged to his lover.

"Bye Y/N..." I waved him back and went back to my members. Well at least I get to see him again after those few hard years of training.

Karina POV

"She looks sad" I told Y/N as we made our way to the waiting room hand in hand.

"I think I know why" Y/N replied as he gripped my hand harder.

"Why?" I was curious. Knowing Yunjin the bubbly girl she is, this is the first time that I see her look so down.

"I'll tell you some other day" Y/N looked at me and smiled as I can only nod my head.

"For now let's focus on you" He continued and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

We then entered the waiting room where the other members were getting their makeup done for our performance later. Y/N had nothing to do which made manager oppa drag him along to handle some manager stuffs.


I made sure to help their manager carefully, not being a burden to anyone while aespa was preparing themselves for stage.

As we made our way backstage to discuss something with the staffs, I realised that Yunjin's group was currently performing as I watched her from the side. She looked so happy performing with her group and I somehow felt so proud of her.

"You really did it Jennifer. I'm proud of you" I spoke to myself while watching her group.

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