Chapter 10

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As it was aespa's turn to perform, me and their manager watched them from backstage with the other staffs. I was mesmerized once again after seeing my cute and innocent girlfriend turn into a whole different person on stage.

The performance ended as the screen showed Karina and Winter doing their ending fairy poses for the fans.

"Yah stop staring at the screen, we have to go now" Their manager chuckled after calling me out. I was frozen on my spot, stunned by her beauty.

"Oh sorry" I joined him walking towards aespa's waiting room.

"You know Y/N, I actually don't mind that you're dating Karina" The manager said on our way as I hummed.

"Just, stay out of trouble and always stay vigilant when you're with her" He warned and I gave him a nod.

We then entered the waiting room, the girls haven't arrived yet as we cleaned up the place and packed to not waste any time.

"You know what Y/N, you actually have been a huge help to me today" Their manager said while packing some stuffs.

"Hahaha it's the least I can do" I told him.

"Do you want to work with us? An extra hand would be great hahah" He suddenly offered me a job leaving me stunned.

"T-that would be great. I have been searching for a job for a while now" I stuttered due to the sudden adrenaline rush of excitement.

"I'll give a word to the CEO" He nodded and then aespa entered the waiting.

"Oppa! We got a trophy!!" Winter was the first to enter the room, showing off their trophy. For those wondering, she is older than me but the maknae line prefers to call me oppa.

"How did we do Y/N-ie?" Giselle followed up from behind.

"You guys were amazing! It's fun to watch you guys perform up close" I exclaimed and then Karina approached me smiling.

"How bout me?" She asked as she hold my hand, swinging it.

"You? Wow I can't even form a word to explain how good you were" she blushed from my remark and hit my shoulder gently.

"You don't have to. I just need one thing" Karina said and pointed to her pouted lips.

I chuckled at her request and gave her lips a peck.

"That's all I need" She spoke in excitement and hugged me.

"Ahhh stopp it, you're sweaty" I jokingly tried to avoid her as they had just finished performing. Everyone in the room laughed watching the two of us.

"No!" Karina refused and hugged me tighter as she laughed.

Eventually she let go of me to go change and the other members also did the same before heading back home.


Their manager dropped us at their dorm and before I head back to my apartment, the girls invited me to have dinner with them at their dorm and hangout for a bit.

We ordered takeaways and ate together in their dining room. Safe to say my stomach is stuffed due to Karina feeding me nonstop as she feeds me like a baby, telling me to taste this and that.

"Jagi you should try this one too" Karina picked up another spoonful of food.

"Hahahah you should stop unnie. His mouth is already full" Ningning laughed at my face. I haven't even finished chewing my food.

"Hehehe sorry baby" Karina then faced me while smiling, I just gave her an ok sign with my hand as I try my best to finish chewing the food.

"By the way how is Socks doing?" Karina asked me after I had finish chewing.

"She's doing well. Want me to bring her here?" I offered her and her eyes lit up.

"That's a great idea!! Are you guys ok with it?" Karina exclaimed and then asked her members which they all agreed.

"Let me call Minjun to send her here" I pulled out my phone and called Minjun.

"What do you want" Minjun picked up the call after a brief moment.

"Minjun ah, can you help me send Socks to the apartment building nearby?" I asked him.

"Uhmm sure, why though?" He questioned.

I then faced the girls asking if it was ok to tell him that I was with them and they nodded while giving ok signs with their hand.

"I'm with aespa now and Karina wants to see Socks" I told him truthfully.

"aespa?!?!?" He raised his voice.

"Just send Socks here, I'll meet you at the entrance" I ended the call immediately after to avoid his questions.

"I'll go wait for him at the entrance" I told the girls and stood up.

"I'll go with you" Karina also stood up and tried to join me.

"Nonono you don't have to. I don't want Minjun to freak out again" I chuckled and then left their dorm.

As soon as I reached the building entrance, I saw Minjun already waiting for me with Socks in the transparent cat carrier.

"Thank you Minjunie" I took the backpack and carried it.

"aespa lives here?" He immediately asked me and I can only nod to him.

"Can I join?" He asked while smiling like a fool.

"Nonono you go home and just wait for me" I pushed him away as he groaned and laughed.

"See you later" I waved to him and went back to the girl's dorm.

I entered their dorm with Socks and they all squealed when they saw Socks. I love how they treat Socks like a baby, the way they react to her whenever she does something small, I felt like a proud father.

After of what felt like hours, it was finally time for me to head back home as the girls had an early flight to catch tomorrow for their upcoming concert in Tokyo. Karina walked me to the door after I bid my farewell to the other girls. We stopped outside their dorm before I walked back home.

"Bye baby~ Mommy's going to miss you" Karina said to Socks who was in the cat carrier.

"And I'm going to miss you more" She pouted and looked at me. They were going to be in Japan for one week.

"You can still call me you know hahaha" I chuckled and proceeded to hug her.

"I knowww but it–" She whined but I stopped her by kissing her. We shared a very loving kiss before pulling apart.

Karina was blushing after we pulled apart while still in my arms.

"You know my weakness too well" She said in a shy tone.

"I do and I know that you will do very well in Tokyo too. So don't worry about me and Socks here and just focus on your concert ok?" I asked her while staring at her in the eyes as she nodded while smiling beautifully.

"I love you Y/N" She said and hugged me tighter.

"I love you too Yoo Jimin" I chuckled at this cutie and caressed her head.

After the short sweet moment, I went back to my apartment after saying goodbye to Karina and immediately plopped down on my bed after a very tiring day.

What I didn't know was that their manager had planned to bring me along to Tokyo for their concert as he managed to recruit me in the team after asking the CEO.

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