Chapter 13

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I was woken up by a smooch on my cheek by someone as it instantly made my eyes wide open. Opening my eyes, I was greeted by my beautiful girlfriend smiling at me.

"Time to wake up baby, it's almost time" Karina giggled after giving me another smooch on my cheek.

"Have you brushed your teeth?" I jokingly asked her as she nodded her head while giving me her cute smile. She looked so huggable at that moment and I let my intrusive thoughts win as I pulled her in for a hug.

She giggled and accepted the hug adorably. I checked the time on my phone and was surprised to see that it was still early.

"What do you mean it's almost time? It's literally 8 in the morning" I said in a surprised tone with my still hoarse voice. Their concert was due in 9 more hours so they can rest for the entire day.

"Hehe nothing wrong in spending the day with my man" Karina replied as she hugged me tighter.

I gave her a long questioning look making her smile slowly turning into a pout.

"Okok Let me ask manager hyung first ok?" I patted her head, receiving a cute nod from her.

I proceeded to text manager hyung to ask for permission from him first to take Karina out for some sightseeing.

"Hyung" I texted him.

"You're up early. What is it Y/N?" He responded almost immediately.

"Just wanted to ask if it's ok for me and Karina to go out for the day, she wants to go shopping and all" I explained to him briefly.

"Hmmmm. Sure just be careful out there. Try to avoid the paparazzi's as much as possible"

"I'll try my best. No promises though" I told him.

"Yeah yeah hahah. Have fun" His text stated.

"Got the green light from hyung" I told Karina who was anticipating in front of me.

"Yayyyyy" She squealed and rushed to the bathroom to go get ready.

I chuckled at her behaviour and also proceeded to go get ready for our date.

After the both of us were done, I instructed Karina to wear a mask to disguise herself in public and I also did the same before heading out.

"So where are we headed to?" I asked her as soon as we were outside of the hotel.

"I have no idea" Karina nonchalantly said in a happy tone.

"I'm hungry let's go eat first, I know a good restaurant nearby" She followed up after and interlocked her arms on mine as she leads the way.


After we had finished eating, we were walking around the area, going into stores that caught our eyes occasionally and looking at the beautiful scenery when suddenly something caught Karina's eye.

"*gasped* Jagiya look!" Karina said and pointed towards a dinosaur exhibition that was currently happening nearby.

"What is it?" Me still clueless at what was happening.

"Dinosaur! Let's go watch it!" Karina pulled me. Words can't describe how cute she is whenever she sees a dinosaur. She finds them cute for god knows why.

In the exhibition, it was like bringing a kid to a toy shop with Karina constantly calling me, telling me the names and facts for each and every dinosaurs. I honestly loved watching how happy she was in sharing her interest.

"Baby we have to go now. You need to rest up before the concert later" I reminded her after being at the exhibit for hours now. I was worried that she would be exhausted onstage.

"I still want to spend the day with you...." She pouted and gave me puppy eyes.

"We can do that after you're done with your concert" I told her but her pouty face was still visible.

"How about we go get some drink before we head back to the hotel?" I suggested as a smile slowly formed on her face.

"Sounds good! Let's go then!" Karina excitedly said and I was glad that it worked.

We went to a nearby cafe and queued up to order our drinks when suddenly we heard whispers behinds us.

"She looks familiar don't you think?" We heard the sound from behind.

"Isn't that aespa Karina? Let me take some pictures" Another one followed up.

I had to react quickly to avoid them from taking pictures so I instinctively pulled Karina closer and wrapped my hand around her shoulder, minimising her face exposure from the people behind.

"Omo what was that for?" Karina shocked from the sudden action, she also blushed from that.

"Stop talking, they will recognise your voice" I instructed her and she finally understood what was happening and gave me a nod.

Luckily the fans easily gave up and continued their day as usual. We swiftly ordered our drinks and left the place to head back immediately.

"Why'd you do that?" Karina asked me on our way.

"Uh to avoid rumours?" I answered her sarcastically.

"You could just tell them that your my manager" She said making me feel dumb. Why didn't I thought of that earlier.


"Hahahah it's ok. I liked it anyways" Karina giggled.

"Like what? Being in my arms?" I questioned her.

"Yup" She answered smiling.

"Really?" I said and raised my arm. "Come here then" I smirked trying to wrap my arms around her again.

She giggled and went straight into my arms as she slurped down her drink.

"I wish we can do this everyday without worrying about a single thing" Karina said as we entered the hotel lobby.

"Me too...."

We then head back to our room to get some rest before their rehearsal and sound check at the concert.

Y/N's apartment POV

"Socks!! Where are you!!"

"Come out Socks!! We got your favourite snack here!"

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