Chapter 2: The Long Term Mission

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Satoshi's p.o.v

"NO MORE D-RANK MISSIONS!" Naruto yelled.

We were currently in the Hokage's office and Naruto seemed to be yelling at the Hokage for a higher rank. Iruka-sensei, of course, tried to lecture the blonde idiot  about how we were genins. But to my surprise, the Hokage let us have a C-Rank mission.

The Hokage then sent in a drunk old man. He introduces himself as Tazuna and insults Naruto. I snickered when Naruto tried to kill the client as my brother appeared behind him hold the hem of his collar.

"Oh, I almost forgot, Satoshi, you won't be going on this mission." the Hokage said.

I gave a questioning look as well as my teammates.

"I have a separate mission for you... as for the rest of you, you are dismissed."

The others nodded their heads and left, as well as that drunk guy and his ANBUs.

"What is the mission Lord Third?" I asked.

Lord Third didn't answer until someone had appeared in the room. I got in my defense position holding out a kunai. The person who had appeared was Itachi Uchiha. I have no idea why he's here, but Lord Third doesn't seem to be afraid of him nor did he looked panicked.

"Lower your weapon Satoshi. Believe it or not, he is on our side." Lord Third said.

"Care to explain?" I said reluctantly putting my kunai away.

"I'll do the explaining." Itachi said. "I still work as a Leaf Shinobi but that story is for another time. However, you are to be recruited into the Akatsuki to help spy in their organization. Not to mention this is a long term mission."

"What? Why do I have to spy for the village? I mean I would die for this village, but I don't understand..."

"Because the Akatsuki has set their eyes on you as a new recruit. They see potential in you and we're going to capture you the near future anyways." Itachi replied.

"I see.. so I'll have to bear the title as a rogue ninja and severe my bonds that are tied here... am I correct?" I said.

"Sadly.. yes. I don't want to put you in a situation like this Satoshi since you are Kakashi's little brother. I feel bad for putting this onto both you and Itachi's shoulders.." Lord Third said sadly.

"Its alright Lord Third. I will happily accept this long term mission. Even if my comrades dislike me, I will at least know I helped them within the shadows." I said.

Itachi and Lord Third looked at me a bit surprised at my answer. I guess they thought I would protest against this and choose to stay here. But like I said before, I would die for this village. To have a mission to be infiltrating the enemy base from the inside will help this village in some way. But I hope I can somehow manage to hide my emotions... well, I mean I'm basically a copy of my brother, I think my lazy persona will help me out.

"When will I leave for this mission?"

"When the third part of the chunin exams end." Itachi said. "There will be a masked man who will find you, so be prepared for that day."

I nodded my head. "So... starting now I should cut off my bonds?"

The Hokage and Itachi both grunted in response and we were both dismissed. I walked out of the Hokage building and began thinking to myself.

'Is this the price of becoming a shinobi?'


Two weeks went by and my team had returned from their mission. Apparently there was a man named Zabuza who was once evil and became good in the end to avenge a boy named Haku. Man that sounds like fun, I wish I could have gone on that mission as well. However, I have been distancing myself from them to attempt them to feel suspicious of my newly found attitude. My brother and Sasuke have noticed, but I can tell they need more information before interrogating me. They kind of noticed it when my brother announced the chunin exams.

I walked around the village with my book in hand, ignoring the hello's from the villagers. It made me feel bad that I wasn't  replying to them. I walked to the training grounds and practiced creating combos for my chidori. I'm known for my great chakra control so molding the jutsu is no problem to me.

After a few hours of training, I sat down up against a tree and looked up in the sky. I was feeling a bit anxious, my heart beating faster knowing my time is going to be soon.

"Hey loser."

I looked behind me to see Sasuke leaning on the same tree I was on. I then look away from him trying to ignore him.

"Hn, what's wrong with you lately? You don't seem like yourself." he said.

"Nothing is wrong with me, I just don't need you to drag me down. Now if you will excuse me, I want to test out my power." I replied.

Sasuke glared at me at the last sentence. "You're not going to kill anyone here, are you?"

"No, these people are just a waste of effort. If there is killing involved, I wish for it to be a worthy opponent."

"I don't know why you're acting like this, but I'm going to find out." he said with a glare.

I scoffed at him and began to walk away from the scene. I wanted to be alone... I don't think I have the strength to even face anyone right now. I wonder what my future holds for me now...

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