Chapter 13: We're All Broken

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Satoshi's p.o.v

It was night time and Maasaki and I were at our campsite. I sat quietly by the fire as Maasaki cooked the fish. It was getting pretty cold out, but maybe because I was still losing blood.. not as much as before, but it was still going.


"What?" I said quietly yet irritably.

"Your eyes... they're losing its color." he said.

"I'll be fine."

"You always say that, yet something bad is bound to happen." he said sadly. 

"Stop caring about me... it's very irritating."


"And stop being so nice! Arg! It's so frustrating!" I said angrily.

"If that's how you truly feel..." he said sadly.

"I'm going for a walk." I said agitated.



I slowly made my up and groggily walked myself away. I didn't hear a word from Maasaki as I walked away, but I knew he was watching. Of course I felt bad for saying what I said, but I just feel angry! 

'Forgive me, it is I who am angry.'

'What? Why are you angry?'

'I hope you don't mind, but I wished to learn more about you by going into your memories.'

'You shouldn't wander in my memories... that is one of the reasons why you shouldn't have done that.'

'Are you okay with your fate child?'

'Yes... I am okay with it.'


'Like I told you before... to protect those closest to me.'

'Why not just go home and protect them from these people?'

'Because it is best to gain their trust, and then attack them blindly.'

'I see... please be careful child.'

The sword's voice went silent as I slowly lost that angry feeling. So this is what he meant when we were linked as one. I thought if only I felt something, it would as well. I never thought it could go the other way around too. 

I began making my way to the river that we caught the fishes at and sat by the bank. I looked into the coursing water to look at my appearance and Maasaki was right. My eyes were fading... it looks like I could die any minute, yet I feel fine.. Well, besides the whole slowly walking thing. 

If I could... if I could just be free, I wouldn't have to suffer anymore. No! Wait, what am I thinking?! I made it this far... I- I can't just end it so soon. But, then again.. if I do go, Madara can't have my eyes when I finally do die. Maybe if I-


I was interrupted as I neared the river to touch it.

"What are you doing?!"

"Touching the river... what does it look like Maasaki." I said bluntly.

"The current is too strong! You could be pulled in!" he said worriedly.

"Good... maybe then I won't have to deal with you anymore."

"That's not funny Satoshi! You could have been pulled in and I wouldn't have known if I didn't follow you!" he shouted.

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