Chapter 20: A Day in with the Akatsuki

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Maasaki's p.o.v

Six days had passed by slowly due to us extracting two beasts at a time. But for those six days.. Madara and I didn't have to do the extraction seeing that we're just extras. But it was the first time, Satoshi was helping out with the extraction. It doesn't look like it affected him much, but that could be because he was trying his best to stay in his calm and lazy state. 

"Maasaki." Madara called. "Satoshi is out by the river. Make sure he doesn't do anything he'll regret."

"Of course, Madara-sama." I mumbled.

I exited out the base and walked a mile out to where the river would be. I swear, this boy never stays put! He's always out and about doing useless things! I neared the river, but came to a full halt. Satoshi was standing by the river bank gripping his favorite book very tightly. His face was calm, but anyone could tell that he was highly troubled. 

"Satooooshi!" I called out. "What cha doing buddy?"

"Just watching the river..." he said quietly.

"You're not going to tell me to be quiet?" I asked confused.

"It doesn't matter, it's not like you'll listen to me any time soon." he said.

"What got you so down in the dumps this time?" I asked.

"Not sure.. but it feels heavy."

"Are you thinking of your brother again?"

He smiled lightly. "When don't I ever think about him? But no, he isn't the problem this time."

"Then what is it? Come oooon, tell your best friend. ~" I said, nudging him a bit. 

"I guess you can say, I feel a bit lonely." he said. 

"Why? You have me, and the whole Akatsuki!" I said happily.

His smile faltered. "But what are they to me exactly? We're not exactly close to each other, nor do we find each other as nothing more than a co-worker. So what are we.."

"You can interpret us however you like! But I don't see us as just co-workers, I see us as misunderstood criminals." I said.

"Misunderstood criminals huh?.. I guess that's one way you can view it." he mumbled. "But is that how you truly see us?"

"Of course!" I replied happily. "We all have our own past, and our own goals! But together, we'll achieve it!"

"I don't think so.." 

"Eh? What do you mean?" I asked.

"Our goals won't be reached because it doesn't matter exactly what our dream is. And I think we all know that as well. We know we don't matter in this life anymore, so what is the point to think of the future when we know our end?" he said.

"You're always killing the mood with your deep talking Satoshi!" I pouted.

"It's not deep if you already know its outcome.." he said sadly. "Besides, you are going to be one of the members who will live."


'Does he know of Madara and I's plan?'

"Despite your idiotic nature, you're pretty strong Maasaki. There's no denying that... that is why I believe that you will live longer than the rest of us." he said.

"Aww, that's the nicest thing yo-"

"That, and because you run away like a crying child when your opponent is a bit too much for you." he said with a smirk.

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