Chapter 31: Finally at Peace (Finale)

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~Third Person~

Satoshi now stood in front of Kaguya without a hint of fear. In his eyes, he didn't care for who stood with him or against him. All he could see, was her. Kaguya, the one who was now temporarily blinded by the young male as she tried her best to counter against it. Team 7 and the others watched the angered expression Satoshi held. The screams of Kaguya grabbing their attention.

"I'LL GET RID OF YOU ONCE AND FOR ALL!" she screamed. 

Kaguya blasted a force of air towards the others. She was trying to counter against Satoshi. She managed to break free from her little imprisonment and glared daggers at Satoshi.

"Edo Tensei or not, you will be dead and out of my way for good!" she said.

"I won't be able to leave until you are gone. But you can try to get rid of me.. if you can that is." Satoshi said bluntly.

"You fool! You think you can stand against me?!"

"I don't know.. but tell me how it goes for you."

Satoshi then brought out his Icha Icha book to show Kaguya his lack of respect for her. This caused her to fume at the audacity he showed to her this day. Zetsu, he watched his creator in fear. He didn't know how he suddenly gained such confidence. 

Kaguya stared down at the child and scoffed at him. To think that someone far below her thinks they can actually take her down. Kaguya began to form the tailed beast-mass into a giant Truth-Seeking Ball. Satoshi immediately took action with his allies close behind. They launched a group attack that corresponded to their respective abilities. Kaguya was being hit left and right from them, which caused her to become far more than angry.

"Zetsu!" she called out.

Zetsu looked at his creator wondering what she had wanted him to do. She eyed Naruto which gave him the hint. Zetsu burrowed under the ground and silently made his way over.

Everyone were all now feeling drained from the lack of chakra. But Satoshi had it far worse since he didn't give his body a chance to regenerate his chakra. Exhausted, Satoshi sat up against a rock to take a small break.

"You okay Satoshi?" Kakashi asked.

"I'm fine, focus on the battle." 

Kakashi nodded his head and turned to face Kaguya. The others were becoming slower. Sooner or later, they might have to do tag teams. Kaguya sends a jutsu blasting its way over to Obito, but with a palm of Satoshi's hand, he used his newly found powers to split that jutsu making it go around him instead. 

Kaguya finally grows tired of Saoshi seeing that with his newly found power, she couldn't take him on anymore, so she decides to attack who she targeted in the first place, Naruto.


Naruto tries to move out of the way, but he was bounded by something. He looks down at his feet, Black Zetsu was holding him down. Naruto tries to beat him off, but still Zetsu remains. Satoshi couldn't do anything to help because he was still regaining his chakra. 

He couldn't use his eyes to save him, but he tried to get there to protect Naruto. Ignoring the pain that shot throughout his body, he was slowly making his way there. But his body told him otherwise. With the lack of chakra, Satoshi collapsed face down and tightly closed his eyes, unable to watch the scene before him. At this rate, Naruto is done for...


Satoshi immediately opened his eyes.

'That didn't sound like Naruto, so that's good! But.. who risked their li-'

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