Chapter 14: A Bit of Itachi Bonding

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Satoshi's p.o.v

A few days had past since my argument with Maasaki. Everything between us went back to normal. I have also felt better as well. My wounds healed up and just as promised, I was given a blood fusion by Sasori.

Things around the base has been very slowly lately. We weren't ready to capture the jinchuriki's until we were better trained.  Well, mostly Maasaki and I since we're pretty much the youngest. Pein believes that we should train a bit more which is fine with me. However, today wasn't that day... I felt like having a lazy day, so here I am laying outside watching the clouds pass by. I remember that I would always watch the clouds with my brother.. he and I would name the clouds of what form it took, but we haven't done that in awhile... if I could remember correctly, I say I was about 4 or 5 years old. Man, those were good times then...

"So this is where you've been."

"Where else would I be, Itachi." I said not looking at him.

"You should be training." he said as he sat down next to me.

"We have plenty of time to train..." I replied. "For now, I just want to feel like everything is alright for once."

"I can't disagree with that." he said. "I guess we all need a break once in awhile."

I hummed in response as the two of us watched the clouds together silently. However, curiosity was creeping into me as I looked over at Itachi. Itachi works for the Leaf, yet he murdered his entire clan... is it alright if I ask him about that? No! I can't do that.. it might make him depressed to think about that night.



"While you were in the village... how was Sasuke doing?" he asked.

"He was pretty bitter to everyone around him except for me of course. I tried everything to make him back to who he once was but, to no avail, not even I could help him." I said. 

"So, not even you could keep him on the safe path... at least you gave it a try." he said.

'Aw.. I have to ask now, he's so mysterious that it kills me.'



"I... I don't know if this is appropriate to ask, but, why did you kill your clan?" 

'Please don't kill me!'

"They were corrupted... so I was ordered by the higher-ups to eliminate them before they took over the village." he said calmly. 

"And Sasuke?"

"I was allowed to keep one member alive." 

"So... you had to kill your parents?" I asked.

"Yes... even them."

'Great, I made everything awkward and depressing!'

"Uh... well, what are you going to do with Sasuke?"

"What do you mean?" he asked, looking at me.

"Well, he's training hard in order to kill you... and knowing him, he has his mind set." I said. "Are you going to tell him the truth then?"

"No... I want him to kill me." he said, looking back at the sky.

"What?!" I said, sitting up abruptly. "He'll find out the truth eventually, how do you think he'll feel then!?"

"I don't want him to find out about the truth, but if he were to figure it out, I can't do anything but love him." he said.

"But... he'll be more corrupt." I mumbled. "When he finds out, he'll become an even bigger threat to the village."

"Well, if he does... you can be there to guide him." he said.

My eyes faltered. "I don't think I'll be there to stop him.."

"Why do you say that?"

"Itachi, if I continue to live, I'm for sure Madara will backstab me once he's finished with me and take these eyes. That's why... I have to die before he completes his goal." I said.

"He'll take them from you even in death, Satoshi."

"That's why I planned to seal my body before I die. I can only hope he doesn't know how to break it off."

"I'm sorry..." he said sadly.

"For what?"

"You're young Satoshi... you weren't suppose to be here. You should be with Kakashi and grow up beside your friends, not in a criminal organization." he stated.

"But being here is an honor, to be able to do a mission for my village one last time means everything to me.. not only that, I got to fight alongside you. Do you know how long I dreamed to be on the same mission as you when I was a child?" I said chuckling.

Itachi smiled. "Do I know? You never stopped talking about it."

"That's because you were the only one I really looked up to, besides my brother. I wanted to be just like you guys... strong, intelligent, and a good heart." I said as I sprawled onto the ground.

"And you are all of those things Satoshi. Kakashi would be proud of you." he said.

"Nii-san..." I said quietly as I felt my eyes watered. 

Itachi looked at me with sad eyes, knowing how I feel. I mean... we both missed our brothers, yet we can't do anything about it.

"This isn't how I wanted to see my life, Itachi." I said quietly. "Two brothers fighting on the opposite side, yet one brother doesn't know what the other really wants."

"You and me both..." he mumbled. "We're on the same boat together."

"Why must fate bring us something so dreadful?" 

"It is just the way... of another shinobi life."


Satoshi Narrating 

Oh boy, I remember this memory alright. Itachi and I stayed there until the stars appeared. We didn't talk much after that, but having each other's company was enough. We were both depressed... yet we had to hang on just a little tighter. But doing that was difficult.. do you know how many times I wanted to break down every time I saw my brother? 

I've wanted to just sob onto his shoulder as he tells me everything was going to be alright. I held so much sadness that even I had to find a way to cry alone. And I know I say this often... but I will say it again.. I want to go home. I won't stop saying that because that is where my heart wants to be...

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