Chapter 29: No! I'm a Hatake!.. Right?

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Satoshi's p.o.v

'Crap, crap, crap! I can't freakin' see!' 

I don't even know where I'm going! My eyes won't open! First, it was shooting pain in my left eye, now it traveled to my right eye! So now, I'm temporarily blind! I hear a battle going on near me, but this is just plain out ridiculous!

"Satoshi!" I heard Naruto call out. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, no, I'm fine!" I shouted sarcastically. "It's not like my eyes won't open or anything!"

"Good, because I-"


"Oh.. maybe bringing you in here was a bad idea..." he said sheepishly.

"YOU THINK?!" I sneered. "Naruto, if Kaguya doesn't kill you, I will!"

A swoosh ran past me, but it didn't attack me so I guess it was an ally. Either that, or it was the enemy trying to plan something out for me. However, another breeze made its way to my face and out of fear, I punched it.

"How dare you punch my mother!" Zetsu cried out.

"Oh shut up you little brat." I spat. "I may not see it, but I can hear that you're just a mama's boy trying to please her!"

"You worthless scum! I'll dispose of that temporary body of yours!" he said.

"Do it." I mocked. "You'd be doing me a favor."

"Tsk, quiet down Okada." Kaguya said.

Just then, a blast of pain surged through my eyes once more.

"Your clans are  pathetic." she sneered. "I can smell it.. two enemy clans mated and not only granted you a gift, but a downfall to it as well."

"The hell are you on about?!" I said.

"What was it that they call you?" she asked.

"My name?" I said confused. "Satoshi Okada Hatake, you idiot!"

She let out a low growl and spoke.

"Such rudeness.." she said. "That must come from the Adachi side of you."

"Adachi?" I snorted. "I don't think you heard me right, my last name is Okada Hatake!"

"No, you're not." she said. "Because if you weren't, I wouldn't be able to do this!"

I screamed in agony as the pain in my eyes now felt like they were throbbing. It made me want to dispose of my eyes and toss them out!

"You feel that pain?" she chuckled. "That comes from your Adachi side to weaken the Okada clan."

"You're making that up!" I yelled. "I never heard of an Adachi clan!"

"Really? Well, they must be extinct then. But I can assure you, you are in fact, both Okada and Adachi." she said.

"I won't believe you until I ask my brother!" I said.

"Believe it or not, you are what I told you. You're just in denial." she said.

"Your idiotic mind is in denial!" I said. "You try to overlook this war, but thinking you're bringing peace, when this is just making everything worse! Besides, there are villages out there who were once considered enemies, but have joined up to stop yourdumbass!" I shouted in anger. "And to top it all off, I'm all out of character, because it's people like you that pisses me off! Screw my eyes, screw my lineage, and screw you lady, because frankly, I don't give a rats ass anymore!"

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