100k Special (#SaSaki)

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A/N: I know I'm really late on this, but it's here lmfao. Also, this is like a one shot I guess you can say so everything is fast paced otherwise it would be just another story, but I tried to at least give SOME plot or else it would have tilted tf outta me if I didn't XD so enjoy. <3 Also that drawing above is kind of old, might change up Maasaki's bangs style. x3 

Maasaki's P.O.V.

Everything in the Mist seemed so bland... It was the same old routine day by day, and yet nothing seems to move forward. Is it because as shinobi's we are to learn to follow and forget to think? Maybe we just heed to their will, thinking we're making a change no matter how small the impact. Although, I'm not sure how that even correlates to my stance on things. Still, no matter the thought, no matter the actions of me or others, there will always be a day of uncertainty.

Sighing at my negativity, I stand up from my windowsill and lean my arms onto it. I stare blankly towards the foggy mist that blocks the sky, I desperately want to see. It had been a few weeks since I had last seen it, which means my last mission was a couple weeks ago. I'm not for one to adore things labeled as female likings or slackers, but it's nice to see it once in awhile. Why... why must it be our village that would have no color or light? I envy villages who are able to see clear skies almost every day.

Thinking of its warmth, I bury my face into my arms, sulking momentarily before I raised my head again due to a loud tapping against my window. It was a pigeon carrier, tapping its beak on the glass. I frowned at the animal and opened the window, allowing it to fly in. I gently pulled the piece of string on its leg, making sure I wouldn't hurt it and retrieved the paper. The pigeon flew out the window as I read the note:

Maasaki, you are to come to my office as soon as possible.

- Mizukage

After reading the small note, I crumpled it up and threw it away in the trash bin. I was already dressed for the day so I was off to see the Mizukage in a flash. I wouldn't want her to wait for me.

Dashing through the village, I make sure not to bump into any civilians. They already complain about us shinobi's running around, I don't need them to have another reason to complain about.

About a few minutes later, I arrived at the Mizukage's building, ready to enter the room. I knock on the door once and almost immediately, the Mizukage answered, allowing me to enter. I gave her my respects by slightly bowing to her presence. I greeted her formally, and stood up, waiting for her request.

"Maasaki, it's nice to see you again." she said, smiling slightly. "I have a little mission for you."

"And that would be?"

"I need for you to represent the Mist village." she said.

"Represent the village?" I questioned.

"Yes, the Hokage requested one of my men to give a history lesson of how it's like growing up in our village to the children. One shinobi from each five nation will be doing it as our first act of being allied as a whole." she answered. "But it would be nice if you uh... Leave some part out." she added, nervously.

"Lady Fifth, you can't tell white lies already... this is important." I said, with a sweatdrop.

"Ah... I know, it's just that our customs were kind of... gory." she explained.

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