Chapter 11: The Result of Punishment

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Satoshi's p.o.v 

"You work for me now, do you understand!" Madara said as he back handed me.

"Yes, sir..." I said.

Right now you must be wondering what's going on, well... I was being punished. During the mission, the one Masaaki and I had done before seeing my brother, I allowed two children to live. I didn't have the heart to kill them... the fear they had in their eyes, the way they held each other as if their life depended on it. Masaaki had already murdered their parents because they held information about us.

He at least killed them outside while I watched over the two scared children. They were brothers... the more I looked at them, the more I began to hate myself.. but of course I would never show it. I just couldn't kill them... my hands are stained enough! I.. I couldn't kill them.

"LISTEN TO ME WHEN I'M TALKING TO YOU!" Madara said with a blow in the stomach.

The force of his punch was strong. I hit the cave wall behind me and slumped down clutching my stomach in pain.

"They're just... children." I mumbled.

"Yet they will soon grow to avenge their parents, everyone is a threat, Satoshi." Madara spat.

"Of course, how could I be so foolish." I said still in pain. "Forgive me, Madara-sama."

"Not without a proper punishment!" he said.

He grabbed out a whip and knowing the procedure... I had already removed my cloak and my shirt. He began whipping me as he gave me new wounds and reopening old ones. I grit my teeth and clenched my fists on the ground to make sure not a single whimper left my lips. Once he was finished, he tells me to never disobey again. Yet the scars on my back tells otherwise... I've disobeyed him many times. He can't and he won't kill me, because I know he needs me. 

I was still hunched over as the blood on back dropped down onto the cold floor. Footsteps were heard while the echoes became louder, indicating that they were coming my way. My breathing was uneven as the footsteps finally ended.

"You know better than to disobey him, Satoshi.." the only female voice said.

I stayed silent as Konan sighed. She helped me up and sat me down on a nearby chair. I cringed from my open wounds as Konan examined them. At that very moment Pein had walked in looking for Konan. However, he stopped in his tracks when he has seen the condition I was in.

"Pein, can you watch him while I get the medical supplies?" she asked.

Pein nodded his head as sue walked out. Pein looked over to me as I tried my best to not look into his eyes.

"What did you do this time, Satoshi?" he asked.

"Disobeyed him.." I replied.


"I refused to murder two children, and I don't regret it." I said.

He ruffled my hair. "You know not to cross him Satoshi... but I am proud you chose what you thought was right."

"Yeah, but my body won't be able to handle the beatings anymore.. and you know that." I mumbled.

"I'm sorry, Satoshi.. I wish I could help you, but this is something I cannot interfere." he said.

"It's alright... I don't expect anyone to interfere, this is something I have to deal with alone..." I mumbled.

He sighed. "Please try to cooperate with him... I can't have my best member unable to do missions for a week due to injuries again." 

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