Chapter 5: Chunin Exams (Part 3)

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Satoshi's p.o.v

Today was the day we'll start finding sensei's who are willing to train us for a month. I've also been paired up with some kid named Katsuo for the match. He has no surname, but he's from the Sand village. He looked eager to fight me as well, not sure why, but I didn't think too much about it.

I was currently sitting in a cleared area in the forest. The masked man who calls himself Madara Uchiha told me to meet one of his member here. I waited patiently and after a few minutes, a husky looking Akatsuki member came into view. He looked like he was ready to kill everyone around him if he snapped. I better not get on his bad side.

"So, you're Satoshi Hatake huh? You're nothing but a brat." he said.

'Scratch that, I think I'll get on his bad side.'

"A brat with potential, now let's get on with the training." I said with a slight glare.

"Hmph, in your position, I don't think I like that attitude you have."

"I don't care, you're here to train me whether you like it or not. I just want this training to be over with, so stop stalling and get with it. I don't want to be kept waiting." I said irritated.

"Tsk, you're lucky our Leader needs you or else I'd snap that neck of yours. But I do like how you don't like to be kept waiting as well. Now... let's begin." he said.

Sasori stood in a defensive position while I took an offensive position. He brought out a few of his puppets meaning that I was going to have to block off his puppets in order to attack him. I grabbed a few of my kunai's and ran towards him.

His first puppet sprung into action and blocked off my attack with its own kunai, which I was anticipating. I kicked the puppet back, which made the second puppet, try and do a counter attack in order to stop me. I narrowed my eyes at it and jumped over his attack. I ran straight for Sasori, however, the puppets were gaining on me pretty quickly. I grunted to myself in irritation, and I had to fall back so he wouldn't gain the upper hand.

"Good, at least you know when to stop if the original plan doesn't work." he said. "I think I have a gist of how your brain thinks during a battle, so I don't have to teach you much about strategy."

"So what will we work on?" I asked.

"Seeing that you're quick on your feet, I want to make you faster than how you are now. That way when you fight others, you'll be untouchable since their eyes can't keep up. I'll also work a bit more on your upper body to get it more built, but let's start with speed."

Sasori then took out a summoning scroll and two ankle weights out of it. He then walked over to me and tied them around my legs. My eyes widen at how heavy they were! I could barely life them up!

"Each ankle weighs about 40lb each. You will run 10 miles with them on and once you get used to them, I'll change up the weight each time."

"10.. miles?"

"You heard me, now go!" he ordered.

'He's trying to kill me...'


After my training with my new sensei, Sasori... I no longer felt the muscles in my body anymore. They were either, sore, or numb which means I got a really good workout. I limp myself towards my apartment and carefully laid myself on my bed. I groaned as I did that and didn't want to move at all.

I heard someone walk throughout the apartment and knew immediately that it was my brother. He knocks on my door, but, as I said before, I'm not going to move at all. Seeing that I wasn't responding nor did I make an effort to open the door, he opened my door and popped his head in.

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