Chapter 9: The Real Akatsuki Mission Begins

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Satoshi's p.o.v

It was night time and we had found the person we were looking for again. The man before us had silver hair that was slicked back. He was shirtless and had a red scythe. He was also attacking us like a madman, although Zetsu was somewhere hiding as we handled the lunatic.

"GAHAHAHA!" Hidan laughed as he swung at Kakuzu.

Kakuzu jumped away from the swing as he performed a hand sign. One of his mask on his back came out which made me cringe at that. It looked pretty disgusting yet cool at the same time.

"Fire Release: Searing Migraine!"

A fire then emitted from the mask as it blew towards Hidan. I then brought my hand close to my mouth ready to accompany Kakuzu.

"Wind Release: Great Breach!"

A blast of wind came out of my mouth as it combined with Kakuzu's fire style. The fire grew taller as its radius widened. The fired swirled wildly as if it were a tornado. The blast hit Hidan as Kakuzu and I wait to see if the damage was done. 

However, we were wrong, Hidan jumped out of the smoke with his scythe in hand ready to cut Kakuzu. We jumped back and Hidan tries to kick Kakuzu, but he was grabbed by the leg and Kakuzu threw him back making Hidan fly. The Jashinist used his scythe to cling on to a tree to help him land on a branch.

"Whew... that was close." Hidan said to himself.

I sighed. "It looks like what our leader said was true."

"Hey, you know? You guys are pretty good... good to be sacrificed, that is!" Hidan said.

"Tell me, have you given any thought to the offer we made you earlier, Hidan?" I asked bluntly.

Yeah, we met him earlier in the day, and it looks like he's just going to be foolish..

"Keh, I don't care one little bit about this Akatsuki thing of yours!" he said. "Because, as long as I'm able to kill, I don't need anything else. I'm free! I kill as a follower of the Way of Jashin. I continue to offer sacrifices to him. And I will forevermore continue to-" he boasted.

"Shut up." Kakuzu said, interrupting him.

"Thank you Kakuzu.." I said with a sigh.

"Ehh..?" Hidan said.

"I didn't come all the way out here to hear some weird religious babbling." Kakuzu said. "I came to see the power of an immortal."

"What? Hey, you." Hidan said, looking at Kakuzu. "Did you just actually say 'weird'?"

"What's wrong with speaking the truth?" Kakuzu mocked.

Hidan laughed. "Oh, man! You're seriously calling the Way of Jashin 'weird', aren't you? That's a very great sin, I'm afraid. Can't be forgiven, no matter what."

Hidan grabbed his scythe. "Lord Jashin... please watch.. as I crush this fool in a mere instant."

"Well.. he has a nice menacing bearing." I said.

"Interesting." Kakuzu said as his threads came out of his arm.

Hidan ran down the tree towards us ready to attack.

"Now, you unbeliever! It's time to die!"

"This is your fight I suppose.. after all, you did make fun of his religion." I said.

"Are you just going to watch?" Kakuzu asked.

"No.. I'm going to read. There's a chapter I wanted to get to already." I said already walking away.

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